Your bottom leaves look a little splotch only. This means the starches and sugars are leaving your first emergers. Is the all purpose mg the one with values 20-20-20? If so its the same chem compounds found in most comercial chem fertilizers, ie advanced nutes dutchmasters etc. They put their eye catching label throw in there worthless ingrediants, to make theirs over here, soo much better than theirs over there. This is about the jist of it chemicals are chemicals. 20-20-20, is a little hot across the board dilluted to half, still a little hot. With this stuff start, (when the plant is sufficiantly large enough,) with this. Mix like the label reads, then dilute to 1/8th. If the plant, and it will, more than likely, tollerate more, increase to 1/4 dilution. And keep it there. If they need more, go with smaller waterings with increased frequency.It 's a bit easyier to manage with less chance of burn. key: I'ts way easyeir to add more as your plant NEEDS it, then to try to go back and re- move the eccess!