Someone please help a grower in need...

i think i have spider mites... but there are small white worm crawlies on my leaves eating them too already there are small black spots in my rockwool and some starting on the plants and on one plant they are on both water leaves ALOT.

there was dog hair floating about in the room it could have manifested from that but i need help figuring this out and what i need. ill pay any cost to keep my plants healthy and bug free please help me

here are pics of the worst one.. some spots are lightening and browning already and there are small black spots under my leaves.. i have a bad camera but i tried..

please to any kind soul who knows how to get rid of these pests please help me



Active Member
Ez m8, im no expert but small maggot like creatures sound like thrips iv got them myself at the mo. The black dots could be some sort of disease carried by the little crits. Evrytime i buy cuttings it seems like iv got something munching my plants so after getting rid of spidermites 2 x succesfully, i'v learned the hard way what works and what doesnt.

All the sprays do is slows the crits down, same with preadators- I emptied 3 packs, on 30 plants, but they came bk to dine. Dont get me wrong they dissapear for a bit then come bk harder then ever usualy in flowering to piss you off even more.

The only thing that actualy gets rid of em is called a "Sulfume". Search it on google and u'l save loads of time and effort. It also takes care of fungus/ disease etc so its a win, win imo.

Just remember not to use it in flowering, unless u like ur buds tasting like eggs lol.

Goodluck :)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
not mite soil grubs.. mites are brown little bug on the bottom side of your leafes


Active Member
I have same little crits as this guy, but mine are Thrips- i think anyways. So can these soil grubs live in clay pebbles? Maybe i have em 2 :(
now my leaves are curling up at the sides and browning alot. there are still black dots on one plants water leaves and sedond node but they look like brown goo dots when looked up close in 60x magnification... eggs of bad guys? everything was going fine til about three or four days ago they started actin funny.
i replaced the water aswell but i dont think it is ph imbabalce or nutrient burn cause i dont put that much in just 1/2teaspoon for 4 gallons. ph is around 6.2 or less idk cause i took out some water and added distilled water just to make sure it wasnt a burn.. fuck idk what to do should i start over and clean everything and shampoo an
d shit or would this problem still persist?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
if you think they are mites then mix up sum dish soap water and spray them down...

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Try using 8 drops of bleach per gallon. It seems to be working for a lot of people growing in hydro-ton and DWC.

Neem oil works great for pests but if you don't like sprays you can set a couple of Praying Mantids loose on your crop. they will eliminate existing pests and keep new invaders from taking hold. Mantids are voracious killing machines and are even trainable to a certain extent.


Active Member
Praying mantis, i lold :) but seriously iv tried all the rest of the stuff out there over a few infestations and only a Sulfume did the job for me.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
don't spray bleach on your plant or soil. not good it will kill the plant.
He's growing in hydro-ton beads and yes you would be stupid to spray it on the plants, it goes in the reservoir @8 drops per gallon (a tiny amount, you would barely be able to smell it). Unless you are growing in soil, keeping strictly organic or maintaining beneficial bacteria, bleach is widely used now as its a safe method of hydroponic sterilization.

Everyone has their own ways of doing things. bongsmilie


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
He's growing in hydro-ton beads and yes you would be stupid to spray it on the plants, it goes in the reservoir @8 drops per gallon (a tiny amount, you would barely be able to smell it). Unless you are growing in soil, keeping strictly organic or maintaining beneficial bacteria, bleach is widely used now as its a safe method of hydroponic sterilization.

Everyone has their own ways of doing things. bongsmilie
cool i thought thats waht you ment but i had to make sure...LOL

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Are you using drippers? I've found that if the full strength nutes in the reservoir come in contact with foliage (from spatter) it will burn it. Generally when foliar feeding nutrients are mixed at 1/4 strength. The spatter from drippers on the lower parts of your plants will make them look horrible.



Well-Known Member
Hey man, I can't see well enough to know for sure but you might have leaf miners. They represent with maggots or worms on leaves that tunnel through them leaving a trail of dead behind. Look closely and see if any tunnels are being dug in the leaves.

If there is no damage or visible pests on the upper part of your plant I'd chop those bottom two leaves off and get them out of your growroom. Plant looks plenty strong enough to take it like a man.

If you do see tunnels, neem oil or pryethrum kills leaf miners.
I havent used bleach, but i have used peroxide mixed with my spray and water. didn't do anything to plant as i can tell, but this was before i started flushing
chop em? just straight up snip snip??? ah they are only a coupke weeks old man but ok. i will be buying somehting soon. floramite gets rid of everything right?? neem oil is a second choice but id like some info on floramite. thanks everyone for the help so far