Someone Please Explain Obama and Brazil?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
so ears goes to brazil and tells them to drill oil offshore while he condemns drillers of our oil. can you libtards please explain to us "common folk" why he would do this?

is this guy seriously this anti US? i dont know where this idiot was born. i dont know if he is a muslim or christian. i dont know if he likes cabbage or arugula. but i damn sure know he doesnt like the US.

what a huge mistake putting this dolt in office. just glad that gitmo is finally closed and he got us out of 2 wars......:fire:

...and don't forget Weed is now legal and the Patriot Act and the TSA is wait... :-P

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
i'm just going to add that brazil's education has gotten so good b/c of state-sponsored post graduate education. my cousin has a doctorate's in Civil Engineering, he's working on the stadium's for the World Cup, he never paid a DIME, he doesn't owe SHIT... he can thank his GOVERNMENT.

Generally when SOMEBODY ELSE pays for something you benefit from and you don't owe a DIME, it occurs in one of two ways, charity by a voluntary action or thru an action of theft. How fortunate your cousin must be to live in a land of such philanthropy. I hadn't realized the Government of Brazil owned a money machine. Magic?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
owned? thats a good one. "ive been there". yes, so has ears, and he aint worth a fuck.

explain carne sucka, why did dumbo give brazil a few b illion dollars to drill for oil?

btw, saying you been there or owned, not a legitimate response....owned
*LOL* going after me won't save face. I was merely making an observation but it's always hilarious that people usually go after someone OTHER than the one who owned them. So your internet knowledge/book learnin' is far superior to his having EXPERIENCED IT and his family being from Brazil and having relatives in Brazil. That little world in your head must be something. I bet you're king too. ;)

The icing on the cake? Trying to belittle him because he is fluent in three languages. That is rich. Oh boy.. still belly laughing. :D

jeff f

New Member
*LOL* going after me won't save face. I was merely making an observation but it's always hilarious that people usually go after someone OTHER than the one who owned them. So your internet knowledge/book learnin' is far superior to his having EXPERIENCED IT and his family being from Brazil and having relatives in Brazil. That little world in your head must be something. I bet you're king too. ;)

The icing on the cake? Trying to belittle him because he is fluent in three languages. That is rich. Oh boy.. still belly laughing. :D
Great come back carna suckee! Now how about adressing the title of the thread. Why is dumbo promoting oil drilling in brazil while doing his best to kill it here? Or you can continue to troll....

too much for youyou and reds mind?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
*LOL* Yep. Keep coming after me. wooheee.... Just goes to show he got under your skin but good. I have some benadryl if the sting is too much. :D

jeff f

New Member
as a petroliem engineer USA has alot of bad drilling practices that need to be addressed before they start drilling again know what happened with that BP oil spill i can explain it first off dont think usa didnt play a roll in it first off drilling in USA they practice the HARD SHUT IN METHOD Very bad practice indeed when taking on a kick of anytype a kick is when your formation pressure is greater then well bore pressure ( Drill pipe ) this allowing gasses to enter the well bore
know when most rigs start up they will drill surface approx 350 meters to 1100 M first string casing now once they drilled surface they run in casing to Caseing depth cement plug and cement back reason they do this is to allow for a blow out preventer that will mounted on top of the caseing head thats your life line that goes and your done melt down etc ,
drilling rigs have mud tanks thats to allow for drilling in rocks, sands etc it cools the drill bit etc as you drill you have mud pumps pumping fluid into your pipe and down the hole pickin up all cuttings and bringing them to surface every mud tank has PVT's thats to monitor volumes as you get deeper you should be loosing volume but your are also addin volume mixing gels barite drispac etc
so anyways as for casing surface you will determine with some factors Vs depth your actual MACP maximum allowable casing pressure if you take on a kick now heres the bad practice of usa you have manifolds to adjust MACP but in usa they do hard shut in thats closing the well completely doin this is very bad you can frac the formation causeing bad things even crack your casing cause when you dead end it you can very easily exceed your alowable casing pressure kinda what happened you see where oil was comin out of down below the blow out preventer it broke right off they exceeded casing pressure lol bad bad
doin soft shut in which is in reality only way to do this you slowly close your choke not exceeding MACP thats why you see the burn the flame there slowly releasing the gas in the well bore never exceeding casing pressure this may take some circulation times as you are adding barite and making your mud heavier thus stopping formation pressure entering the well
after reading this as closely as i could follow, one thing in particular needs to be cleared up......BP STANDS FOR BRITISH PETROLEUM.

so why are you bad mouthing the us companies? i still dont get your post.

oh, and thats not what happened. the rig blew up on top, caught fire, then collapsed. thats what fucked up the shutoff on the ocean floor that caused all the leakage. but that may be what you are syaing and i just cant understand it.


Rebel From The North
the reason sand-bo is doing this is hes a comunist bastart and he aim to distroy the us! theres no record of his birth/orgin/religion/or anything
he wont salute the flag or put his hand to his chest during the anthem, this in my mind is anti US and shouldnt be tolerated at all. on the bright
side we got 1 1/2 years left!! DEM/REP it dont matter what does is this is the US and we need to get things back on track. no matter how green
we get we are still going to need oil!! not over seas oil US oil from the coast and from alaska!! and we need to export and stop this BS importing!
and to all the college know all never served there country go back to school and learn something!! ive served my country and ive spilled blood for
it, watched friends die for it! so I feel I have a right to my opion!! and to all who give a fuck to the BS thats going on in the US!! FUCKING VOTE
IN 2012!!!!!

jeff f

New Member
Coming from you that's a compliment. :)
so instead of trolling carna suckbag, how about adding to the discussion. or just continue to be a dick and i will just have to ignore you.

your big eared manchild just gave brazil, a country of stupid peasants and hillbillies (according to red), a couple billion dollars TO DRILL FOR OIL!!!

forgive me for being stupid, but arent all oil companies raking in kagillions of dollars right now? hello, is your brain in there? how about letting us conservatives in on the half white, pos, presidents big plan and why he would do this?

doesnt floppy, the big eared, half white president have a war to fight.....errr 3?


New here but I gotta say, the rulers' work is apparently done here.
The best way to control a large slave population is to have them control themselves, and the best way to accomplish that is to invoke a bit of Sun Tzu's logic on war...divide and conquer. Whilst the men behind the curtain whittle our currencies' value out from under us and push us further and further into their Fabian utopia, they have succeeded in keeping most of us distracted arguing over whose nigger is blacker (it's an historical reference so don't get your P.C. panties in a wad). At the end of the day American hegemony marches on, having picked up the ball when Britannia bowed out and not missing a step ever since. Mexico, the Caribbean, South America, Middle East, Pacific Rim...they don't miss much. And throughout it all, over the last 100 plus years, the expansion of the empire has continued inexorably in the name of "protecting vital national interests" and "spreading democracy". What crap! The vast majority of people in the countries whose resources America covets, wish only to be left alone. Most are more worried about where their next meal is coming from more so than who is steering their county's ship. Just where in the Constitution does the term "Manifest Destiny" appear? By what right does the U.S. feel that it has the authority to pull any of this shit, especially on a global scale? As for which party is the worse of the evils...there's no real difference at all. Both continue to pursue this malarkey unabated. Lincoln and Wilson were as bad as Nixon an Bush in their own rights and times. America is not the principal of the world school yard and needs to cease trying to wear that hat in order to obfuscate its real expansionist mission.

Is there even a microscopic minority of constituents who awaken in the middle of the night in a cold sweat because a woman in Iran is being forced to wear a berka? Could the average American high school student find Libya, Absurdistan or even Viet Nam on a world map with a gun to their head...doubtful. While the American debt and currency situation continues to model itself after Greece, and the owners of the central bank continue to shovel out worthless fiat currency, the populace is all too busy watching the cheap magician at the kids birthday party. What's Michelle wearing today? Who's gonna win the Super Bowl or the NCAA finals? Tax time is here, where am I going to piss away my money that I over paid the crooks all year long when and if I get it back. Like as not...on groceries and gas. While Republicats and Democans worry each other numb shouting at each other while hearing nothing but their own voices, the commodities speculators are busy loading their wagons with cash...again.

While you argue over which retard has the brain cell today stop and ask yourself who really controls our world? Is it the war mongering dolts that act like they're in charge, or is it the banker whose swollen member they must continue to suck to get the scrip necessary to stay temporarily on top of the heap? Ask the average American "Who Owns the Fed?", and prepare for some of the dumbest shit that you've ever heard in your life. Hell, ask the people that work in your local bank, or your elected representatives, they have no more idea than Joe the Plumber. For the record, it is owned by its member banks. And they would be the regional Federal Reserve banks in New York, Chicago, Denver, etc. But who owns them? Funny coincidence but a big chunk of them is owned by the very same dung eaters that were just bailed out with our money. Money that we don't have so we had to borrow interest...from the Federal effing Reserve! Can you say circle jerk. Of course the last time we were told who owned what was about 40 years ago. Since then the percentages of overseas and domestic ownership may have completely changed, but it's doubtful. The majority was held by overseas entities. So when Congress (you know, Republitards and Demotards, working to screw us together) passes a new "let's make the health insurers richer", or "let's make big pharma richer", or a "time to feed the military industrial complex" spending bill, and they have not a pot to piss in, where do you think the money comes from? Why we borrow our own money from the central bank that the Republitards and Demotards created of interest! Wanna solve our debt problem? What say we disband the Fed and tell them to shove their IOU's (about half of our national debt is held by them, not the Chinese). What are they gonna do, repo the White House?

Being no lover of the Kenyan, and an equal opportunity hater of all things Bush, I see no sense in supporting either. What's the difference? Yobama has revealed himself to be Bush Lite with an even more crazed attitude about spending money that doesn't exist. Keynesian economic theory has worked where? Bush, Brown, Bama ...all idiots that seem to have no grasp of history. What the American Presidents do share is a long list of puppeteers that they must continue to fellate, so long as they wish to remain on the ego tit. Bama's trip south is just another lame attempt at distracting the sheeple with more mountains of sheep dip so they won't sqeal as loud when their gasoline hits $5 a gallon this summer. Hey, we need to keep sending our young people overseas to be killed and maimed so we can keep enjoying all of this cheaper gas, greener energy and prosperity. That Wall Street bail out worked real good didn't it? Well for Wall Street I mean. And how about us buyin' up G.M.? (Don't believe the ad bullshit, they still owe us a crap load and that's after they were given a Great Lake sized tax break to boot). All of the sudden G.M. is building high quality, affordable cars that can compete in the market place. Well no not really, but that's what they want us to believe. The one good idea that they did have was their all electric (not some bullshit hybrid with twice the amount of shit to break and go wrong) plug in Volt back in the late nineties. They killed that of course 'cuz it worked too well and people liked it too much. Check out "Who Killed the Electric Car" and then tell me how great ya feel about bailin' out the C-suckers in Detroit. Ford seems to be doin' just fine.

Meanwhile, has anybody bothered to count the number of cameras watching you today? Ever try to count the number of military installations around the State that you live in. That and Yobama's internet kill switch should guarantee their "continuance of government" contingency when we finally say "Enough!" and rise up to slay all of these arse boils. We have over 700 in other countries (couldn't find that one in the Constitution either for some reason). Be happy that the current idiot in charge is out'a town. He couldn't possibly screw up internationally half as bad as he has domestically could he? Rmember when everybody thought that Yobama was going to have the DEA stand down on weed? Or how about all his blather and B.S. on behalf of the Gay community. Where's he been in the midst of all of these State initiatives to recognize Gay marriages? Surprisingly silent eh? I guess he's been too busy spending our money and none existent resources to sue our own States because they don't pass laws that jive with his agenda. What kind of shite is that? Who gives a rats arse what they do in Arizona? It's their State, let'em do what they want. The great part of living in America is that if people don't like it they can move next door. But they aren't. They're moving to the S.W. in droves. More distractions for the little people. Meanwhile the pro pot prez is ramping up the storm trooper activity in Montana as more jack booted overpaid federal teat suckers (paid with our money mind you) descend upon the real threat to democracy in the world today. The medical marijuana dispensaries of Hellena. Give me a break. We now must pay (and pay well we do since the average Federal employee pay and bene pkg. is about $100K a year - aren't you making that much?) to support and supply our own tormentors. Makes as much sense as tithing to a religion that just tells you to do this or'll burn in hell. I believe it's what Ayn Rand called the sanctioning of the victim. Not only must you sacrifice, but you must place the knife in the hand and guide it in.

Sorry for the TLTR. Time to go medicate. :)

BTW, on that Rand note, her novel 'Atlas Shrugged' finally made it to the big screen. It's due to release this April 15th...Tax Day, how perfect. There are some clips on YouTube and it looks pretty entertaining, whether you read or liked the book or not. And should you scope YouTube, check out the Ron Paul interview when he was asked about his stance on the War on Inanimate Objects. Never has a politician been asked such a direct question and given a straight and unflinching answer. Time to drop the label game and realize that we're all gettin' screwed together, and that's the only way that we'll ever be able to make it stop.

I hate Michael Moore, but he's a great story teller and did manage one of my favorite sensible observations. Our government's job is to keep us fearful and in debt. The status quo lives on...

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
so instead of trolling carna suckbag, how about adding to the discussion. or just continue to be a dick and i will just have to ignore you.

your big eared manchild just gave brazil, a country of stupid peasants and hillbillies (according to red), a couple billion dollars TO DRILL FOR OIL!!!

forgive me for being stupid, but arent all oil companies raking in kagillions of dollars right now? hello, is your brain in there? how about letting us conservatives in on the half white, pos, presidents big plan and why he would do this?

doesnt floppy, the big eared, half white president have a war to fight.....errr 3?
I gave the answer to this question in the second page of this thread...why are you reluctant to even pursue a possible answer if you are so up in arms about this?


Well-Known Member
Ruiner seems to have answered the question of the thread quite well actually. There should be nothing left but the school yard tussle that seems to be in progress.