Someone jacked my crop...


Well-Known Member
Some little fuckers jacked my three plants last night. one was in a 3gal and 2 in 2 gal and they had just been watered so there is no way 1 person could have carried them all. Motherfuckers!! Not sure if it was personal or just stupid kids. I have zero enemies aside from the government. I just got done super cropping them last night before I went out and they were looking so beautiful. SOB's. Well it did give me something to do today; clean my guns...


Well-Known Member
Damn dude, some people got balls. Some people also need to be taught a lesson. I would be heated...Were they on your property? Visible? Did anyone know about them? I hope things work out for you, one way or the other. Good luck finding the a-holes!


Well-Known Member
On my back patio. I can't say they were hidden but you'd have to be on my property or really trying hard to look for them.


Well-Known Member
I really wish people would do their own darn work! It's so low down to steal another mans hard work! I wish the best of luck to you brutha and damn those thieves!


if plants were on my property there would be a motion camera, fo sho, with me sitting directly behind it with a pellet gun and a handgun incase i get real mad:)


Well-Known Member
i use trail cams on my guerrilla grows to see if anything anyone comes around and screws with my shit... if your a legal patient and you have a pic of the persons doing it then you have the right to do a citizen arrest. or they can do it if you want to call the cops.. but i would just plant again and get a driveway sensor at harbor freight for $10.99 and when it goes off next time you will know and can put a double barrel shotgun in there face they will never show up again.. having a bs sensor that sprays water will do no good..


Get a little dog bro, small dogs are the best alarms since they are naturally sketched out, sucks to work your ass off and them some lazy fucks come snatch your shit.....


Well-Known Member
man i hate to hear of anybody getting something stolen, my condolences. get two dogs, a small dog like a rat terrier and something bigger to back it up.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Get a little dog bro, small dogs are the best alarms since they are naturally sketched out, sucks to work your ass off and them some lazy fucks come snatch your shit.....
Bummer dude.

I fucking hate thieves.

Did this happen while you were at work? Out shopping?
out of town for the week. I was a day late. I got motion lights and one that goes off in my room. still need a small dog, and barb wire fences, might hook up my battery charger to it too? my falt for kicking it with a few shady people. now I just stay home, and watch my new crop. and never talk about my grows now, fucken sucks, but that's life for a grower. trust no one.


Well-Known Member
Hate to hear that. I've invested much more money into security than into my whole grow. My grow is small the only rippers I'm concerned about are "kids". Most kids nowadays are out of control and ignorant.


Well-Known Member
It was me, Bender!

Just kidding. You should call Child Protective Services, those troglodytes just stole you chilrens.

Seriously though I'd be like you, ready to empty my .38 on something. If there is one thing I can't stand it's a worthless, asslicking, stupid, audacious thief. I will kill anyone that comes into my house uninvited, NO QUESTION just saying. The fucked up thing is those amateurs probably don't even know how to care for a plant so it will ultimately become shit weed when it should be The Chronic. My condolences.