Someone help, yellowish leaves and now are kinda crispy. helllp!! +rep all around!


Well-Known Member
i would water with your tap water for the next couple waterings and see what happens. what do you really have to lose at this point? that may just be your problem.


Well-Known Member
have you considered that the cfl's you have are too close?? I know those kind can get hot, I would also think that you really don't need so many lights until the little fella gets growing a little bit.


Well-Known Member
What soil are you using. It looks dry.
I would move my lights a little bit further away. Maybe they are causing high heat. Also try a humidity dome, it takes 2 minutes to make one or if you have a clear rubbermaid box put your plant it there with a cup of water and light the light shine through that.
Your plant looks like it will make. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
easy as abc drop on just water dont care about ph till it gets up a bit lots of straglers stert like that spray soda water on it daily


Well-Known Member
You are making things too complicated. First off growing from a seed is the hardest part, once you get past that and learn to clone and get some patience mostly you'll be ok.

Don't use tap water to start with, or soil either. Maybe this will work out eventually and maybe not but you're not doing things the best way to begin with and it's no wonder they have died on you a couple times.

Rule one, grow a lot more than one.
Rule two, crack seeds in distilled water only. (There are many methods but I just drop them in a small cup of water or use the paper towel method.)
Rule three, after beans crack stick them in peat pellets if you want the best odds of success.

Let them grow with no nutes, distilled water, and just one or maybe two of those lights until you see a plant with a couple real leaves.

Then and only then can you plant that peat pellet into dirt, and or begin to use nutrients.
You may be cooking it with too much heat, you may be cooking it with too much nutrients in the soil, or both but it looks incredibly badly burned.

Honestly I can't tell if that even is a mj seedling and not something else, those leaves look too tiny and something seems not quite right at all there.
It may be too late, but if it's still alive turn off all the lights but one, put that one light 4" away from the thing and see how it goes.
You don't need the rest of the lights and can't run them closer until it's a real plant.


Well-Known Member
for the last time, why are u people saying nutes way too early? I said nothing about giving them nutes... lol
Infact, its in a peatmoss/vermiculite/perlite mix that I did myself.. so there are absolutely no nutes in the soil, unless the bags were lying to me.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I don't like being referred to as "You People!!!" Just Joshin!!
Seriously man, you nuted way to soon! ahhhh, just joshin again!!!

I really do think it's the heat from the bulbs, I checked it out here and the temp shot up to 120 f in no time at all.

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
its not the bulbs its the lack of humidity, you should propergate them and then transplant them and youll have better might also want to buy a book or just google how to grow or better yet go to the begin thread on this shit and you be able to find alot

Where did you get your bulb sockets sir??? i would love to get some myself!


Well-Known Member
its not the bulbs its the lack of humidity, you should propergate them and then transplant them and youll have better might also want to buy a book or just google how to grow or better yet go to the begin thread on this shit and you be able to find alot

Where did you get your bulb sockets sir??? i would love to get some myself!
home depot.... dude trust me, I've researched for months and months.. I know basically everything I need to know.. I just cant do it for some reason.. I dunno wtf it is, i suck at growing.. but I know alot about the bookwork lol

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
Start growing in it a seed starter dome, you can get one for less than 25 bucks and you just germinate it and then put it in the start kit and youll be all set


Well-Known Member
ask for "Y" connectors for light sockets... if that is what ur talking about, if ur talking about the plugin ones, I got those at canadian tire, but yea im in canada, so if ur from the US , i dunno.


Well-Known Member
Rick, how do you know it's not the bulb? Even if the humidity was low the little fella wouldn't be having brittle leaves already. Turn off those damn bulbs except for one of them and move that one further away. Someone already posted this and I agree. Move that single bulb away at least four inches. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Point well taken Rick, I didn't realize the plant was in a seed starter. I use mostly the flouro tubes which don't get that hot. Those CFL's do throw off some heat. Thanks for the answer..... Peace.