someone found my decoy grow again


Well-Known Member
i have arround 20 beauty's in my garden and i have 10 litle plants ( 1/2 oz each aprox,,) as a decoy grow 30 yards from the main garden so if any one came looking for plants they would hopefully find the decoy grow first and then stop looking,

anyways i found some footprints in the decoy grow today but nothing was stolen yet....

im wondering if i should pluck them out or leave them and hope the personne who found them keeps his mouth shut and doesnt come back??


Hmm, that sucks. I have a similar problem. I have mine outside in my garden and some teenagers keep staring over the fence. Had someone steal 5 plants last year that weren't even flowering :-(

I'd just keep them in and keep an eye out. If you keep seeing tracks there and none in your garden, I'd leave them in.


Well-Known Member
is it on your property? if so, id sit out there with a damn gun and shoot intruders.
if not, try leaving a little sticky note that just says,, "i see you!!!" change it daily so it looks fresh.
paranoia is mans worst enemy.


Well-Known Member
if someone knows they are going to yank. they obviously scoped them and saw they werent finished yet so they are either waiting, or getting more help to take it all. dont risk it man, secure that area. i out locks on all my fences and set up wires to see if anyones snoooopin around..


Active Member
Hmm, that sucks. I have a similar problem. I have mine outside in my garden and some teenagers keep staring over the fence. Had someone steal 5 plants last year that weren't even flowering :-(

I'd just keep them in and keep an eye out. If you keep seeing tracks there and none in your garden, I'd leave them in.

Sounds like you need a dog! If your plants were stolen last year in veg state then it was defiantly teenagers ... get prepared :!:


Well-Known Member
is it on your property? if so, id sit out there with a damn gun and shoot intruders.
if not, try leaving a little sticky note that just says,, "i see you!!!" change it daily so it looks fresh.
paranoia is mans worst enemy.
i know!! hahah thats what i told the old man!

i said i was gonna leave a note that says

" functional knees priceless, so leave this one alone"
but i like your idea better!

i think my dogs might have given me away because i grow aprox,, 100 yards from a low traffic atv trail so i never walk from my garden to the trail to avoid leaving a trail, but when i go water the babies i bring my 2 dogs and they always run up to the trail for some reason and i think they might have beaten down a path from the grow to the trail, so i was contemplating on feeding anti-freez too the little bastards! but i know its my fault

whats a guy supposed to do??


Well-Known Member
Hmm, that sucks. I have a similar problem. I have mine outside in my garden and some teenagers keep staring over the fence. Had someone steal 5 plants last year that weren't even flowering :-(

I'd just keep them in and keep an eye out. If you keep seeing tracks there and none in your garden, I'd leave them in.

get a motion alarm! 15$ a any hardware store

if its in your yard theyl think you can hear it and scatter


if i was yu i wod be waitin there for tha cunts so come back then baseball batt tha cunt or cunts zip tie tha cunt up haha job done


Well-Known Member
is it on your property? if so, id sit out there with a damn gun and shoot intruders.
if not, try leaving a little sticky note that just says,, "i see you!!!" change it daily so it looks fresh.
paranoia is mans worst enemy.
spot them with a laser pointer hen brag about your new laser scope.


Well-Known Member
Just get a mean ass dog and put him on a cable trolley system. Just make sure its not set up where he'll trample your plants down. Vicious mutts aren't hard to find.


Well-Known Member
What i do on the plants in my yard is razor blades with the holes in them i bread tie them to the base and thru the branches.. It might be a little bizzar but I'll get the last laugh and find out who did it........
our minds think alike!:fire::fire:lol

then the next day you go to the local ER to see whos been in for stitching on a hand! lol

but i wouldnt want to hurt them! ,,,,, or would i ??


Well-Known Member
Just get a mean ass dog and put him on a cable trolley system. Just make sure its not set up where he'll trample your plants down. Vicious mutts aren't hard to find.
hahahahaha i just pictured a rabied pittbull hooked to a cable trolley in the woods!!

and the look on the rippers face when he encounters it.. priceless


Well-Known Member
maybe you could spread a few human fingers around the base of the plants...or just some evil looking shit, like candles in a circle and a dead chicken...or better yet, half a dead chicken...not be confused with a half dead chicken :P . paranoia can be your friend, and ALOT of ppl are superstitious, if you do leave a little sign, write it in blood on a rusted old piece of metal and quote some evil sounding scripture..don't forget a pentagram, and maybe a bloody condom. that's just off the top of my head though...maybe you can do better ;)

I mean seriously..if you came across some shit like that in the woods would you go back there? how bout...after dark?


Well-Known Member
maybe you could spread a few human fingers around the base of the plants...or just some evil looking shit, like candles in a circle and a dead chicken...or better yet, half a dead chicken...not be confused with a half dead chicken :P . paranoia can be your friend, and ALOT of ppl are superstitious, if you do leave a little sign, write it in blood on a rusted old piece of metal and quote some evil sounding scripture..don't forget a pentagram, and maybe a bloody condom. that's just off the top of my head though...maybe you can do better ;)

I mean seriously..if you came across some shit like that in the woods would you go back there? how bout...after dark?
no i would probably start running instantly,,
i might pick up some roadkill on the way there and hang a couple dead crows,,
theres something about crows that freaks people out,


Well-Known Member
dude just set a couple of snares veryy precisely on the pathss they will obviously take to gank the decoys and 2moro.....BOOM you know who...