SomeGuy's LED & Other Grows. 2014-15 Season

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Picked up a beautiful cut at the BBQ/Picnic. Precious OG.

Thanks for the beans and i git some pakipunch from jos too. Yea i brought a precious og back for durzil and my self. Picked up a woody og also. I hope garden boss gets the Bear Creek Kush to root as he will get it out. He said it was the best there and no one seemed to disagree. I have to say @whodatnation did a great job saving that ?p clone in seeds and the bck has killed the berry bubble and Nibiru. It came out blueberry and lime and so good. Gave it to bad karma and aeroknow buddy.
Thanks for the beans and i git some pakipunch from jos too. Yea i brought a precious og back for durzil and my self. Picked up a woody og also. I hope garden boss gets the Bear Creek Kush to root as he will get it out. He said it was the best there and no one seemed to disagree. I have to say @whodatnation did a great job saving that ?p clone in seeds and the bck has killed the berry bubble and Nibiru. It came out blueberry and lime and so good. Gave it to bad karma and aeroknow buddy.

Can't deny I'm grinning right now :-) thanks for the feedback and do please share that cut with the world my friend :cool:
Can't deny I'm grinning right now :-) thanks for the feedback and do please share that cut with the world my friend :cool:
You know me i am all about spreading the love. That bud really is fantastic and it has just now hit the jar good. i do stretch the dry out by about a week and that makes a big difference too. 105mm macro and the 15 - 30mm got in from ATL today and already have a new 50mm so i am finally going to have some nice bud shots.20160426_105911.jpg
Can't deny I'm grinning to hear you say that. Thanks for the feed back and do please share that cut with the world my friend :cool:
Oh and you are not the only one that was grinning. I have a lot of respect for garden boss and it was cool to have him say that when i am still just a small time country boy and most of them have done a lot longer and bigger than me.
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Where do you get your heat sinks and angle from? I have a Mars 192 ( think that's what it's called now) that I want to use to make a cob light with. This model does not come with heat sinks, but I can use all the other stuff out of it. It has 8 55 ~ 100 drivers in it and 2 fans.

No room to put sinks inside without using spacers ( guessing 3in) to raise it enough for sinks to clear the case. Could then go with a plate to cover case or use angle. Would like to eyeball options instead of online order if you know of a local place ( I'm not that far from you). I spend too much time outside US to know much about places that have this stuff near me. 1 hydro store I know, but they have mostly HPS stuff.
I order all my parts offline man. I don't have tons.of spare time or I would make.more diy videos for peeps... Lol. Greengenes717 is the man in that regard IMO. I would probably buy his fixtures if I buy.
No prob. Not much up here. Next time I go check out my brother in Gardena, I'll try to scope out some places down there before I go. I hate to order stuff without seeing first, then I get exactly what I want. Any f ups will be all on me then,lol.

I have two more lights that work well for me, so I'm in no big hurry. Maybe I'll have to walk my dogs in the desert again, I find all kinds of good stuff walking the dogs, lol. I don't have any problems working on stuff with wires, that's what I do. Just like working on a flying machine, do it once, do it right!
From the other night. Shits getting big. Hits 2weeks on Sunday so it's about 1.5 weeks in flower. Can't raise the lights but another 6" or so. Picking up some netting for the second level of trellis soon too.

I think they all like the sips BTW


Left side

Right side

Back middle
Right on bother! Got to get my sips ready but I think the Jillanje has two and a half weeks left If I pull it early haha but seriously I don't know how much longer it will go so i have time to get them done.
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