Somebody please help me


So it has to be nute burn because my ph is around 6.2 but this is the only plant thats doing it and they are all the same strain


Well-Known Member
did you mix up the micro really good? befor adding the other nutes?.... when in doubt flush.. it always helps
looks to me like nitrogen problem of some kind i see the hardwater stains on the leaves without burn so it leads me IMO that it isnt the misting thats the problem

1. flush soil x3.
2. keep misting(@ lights on) to help get some fresh stuff to the leaves and will help flush out any bad stuff. also the water stains could clog the pores so i suggest using steam distilled water(86c a gallon) due to the fact in contains no insoluble solids (no more water stains) but regular tap water is still good to water with or in you res. and easier to control ph :) REP+


Thanks alot but i am using hydroponics and there are about 12 plants in the same system and they are all of the same strain so should i take this one out of the feeding and just use water on it