somebody hermed, now what to do? +rep for any help


Well-Known Member
and one other thing to note on your bs info. where is your journals ? do you even grow? i don't see your product on here for people to see.. oh that's right YOU DON'T GROW so your the one who needs to SHUT THE FUCK UP.. and let us GROWERS do our thing and you TROLLS can piss off..
I have a journal listed in my signature if you care to look. Been growing 34 years.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro. Not trying to be a dick or anything by far! Its just outta all the years I've been growing, and with my Dad being a botanist, while he was living, I've never read, nor herd him mentionn anything about Mj being polinated by another species of plants. Maybe some other pollen floating around (being Mj) pollen though, I could see that happening. Only cannabis pollenates cannabis.
Though this is quite interesting.
Humulus [hops] and Cannabis are the only two genera in the family Cannabinaceae and there are many similarities between hemp (Cannabissativa) and the cultivated hop. The nettle family is also rather less closely related being in the same order, the Urticales. It is possible to produce viable grafts between hops and hemp and it is reported that pollination of hops by hemp, annual nettle (Urtica urens) or perennial nettle (Urtica dioica) stimulates cone development but only abortive embryos are produced. It was reported by Warmke and Davidson (1944) that hop scions grafted onto Cannabis stocks produced cannabinoid resins and this led to interest in the technique as a means of producing such material while avoiding legal restrictions.

So I wonder if we graft hops on to cannabis , will this make a nice hoppy psychoactive beer?

I have also heard that cannabis can be grafted on to hops.

Hops is a vine by nature and could be grown up and over anything, cannabis grafts would not look like normal cannabis growing from the ground up, could this be used to disguise and make weed almost in visible to the sky cops? Just a thought!! :??: :mrgreen:
I did see my Dad graft other plants/flowers, and he was telling me he was going to do a graft on two of his strains he had going at that time. I don't know if he ever ended up doing it or not, I sure wish I could find his grow journals though!! Well anyways, again wasn't trying to be a dick, just saying I've never read/herd/seen Mj being pollinated by another species of plants/flowers/veggies.. Dank.

how can you be sure its male pollen ?/ how can anyone know what pollen did the seeding?? its just a guess that there is male pollen in the air.. so if it happens to be a wild pollen that just happens to seed the plant then how can anyone tell me that its only male pollen from weed..ALMOST ANY outside pollen will turn a bud back and it will produce a seed AGAIN IT MAY NOT BE A STABLE SEED BUT STILL A SEED OR A HARD POD.. GO GET SOME OF THE YELLOW SHIT LAYING ON YOUR DECK AND BRUSH IT ON YOUR BUDS,, GO AHEAD.. TRY IT AND SEE THE RESULTS.. THEN COME BACK AND TALK SHIT.. I AM WRITING THIS FROM BEING INSIDE AND OUT FOR 20 YEARS SO I KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE THAT IN THE EASTERN USA THE YELLOW POLLEN WILL TURN A BUD TO SEED ..

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Through genetic engineering they could cross species. But that requires injecting dna from one plant into another.

Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
how can you be sure its male pollen ?/ how can anyone know what pollen did the seeding?? its just a guess that there is male pollen in the air.. so if it happens to be a wild pollen that just happens to seed the plant then how can anyone tell me that its only male pollen from weed..ALMOST ANY outside pollen will turn a bud back and it will produce a seed AGAIN IT MAY NOT BE A STABLE SEED BUT STILL A SEED OR A HARD POD.. GO GET SOME OF THE YELLOW SHIT LAYING ON YOUR DECK AND BRUSH IT ON YOUR BUDS,, GO AHEAD.. TRY IT AND SEE THE RESULTS.. THEN COME BACK AND TALK SHIT.. I AM WRITING THIS FROM BEING INSIDE AND OUT FOR 20 YEARS SO I KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE THAT IN THE EASTERN USA THE YELLOW POLLEN WILL TURN A BUD TO SEED ..
You think like a cave man bass1014, a very weird individual!!! Is the pollen different in australia?


Well-Known Member
Again like i stated before that from experience i have had my crop ruined by venting in outside air into my grow room and have had seeds form from outside pollen.. Period .. I dont care if anyone believes me or not .. I dont vent air from outside untill its fall.. If you end up with seeds and cant figure out why .. Think about this thread and then you will see my point..


Well-Known Member
No i think like a normal human who doesn't want anything to ruin his hard work by some bullshit. You tell me about austraila ,, i live in fucking america, not some back bush sideways country. I live in the middle of the mountians and nothing but tree's all around me.. When spring hits here its a complete pollen covering.. So when have fresh new white hair buds and that shit hits them they turn red and a seed sack forms ..

you think like a cave man bass1014, a very weird individual!!! Is the pollen different in australia?


Well-Known Member
Venting outside air into grow room without filtering it? Sounds like a recipe for all sorts of disaster besides this magical pollen.


Well-Known Member
hey brother where is your plants at?? ok so u can shut the fuck up...i live in the woods on the side of a mountian i have no city neighbors or any for that matter..

Venting outside air into grow room without filtering it? Sounds like a recipe for all sorts of disaster besides this magical pollen.


Well-Known Member
imo yes i would harvest most deff harvest if its a indica dom. strain. sativa takes longer, some believe that only weed pollen will seed a plant but i don;t i believe any pollen will seed a plant. the seeds won't be for shit but i have had the same issue, harvest then clean clean clean, also make sure the intake is screened off as not to risk any pollen in and doing the same to the next.. good luck and KEEP ON GROWIN
I like your avatar.:clap:


Well-Known Member
hey brother where is your plants at?? ok so u can shut the fuck up...i live in the woods on the side of a mountian i have no city neighbors or any for that matter..
Yeah, but you do probably have all sorts of insects that love to chomp on plants.

Does it really matter where my plants are? They are safe and secure from the magic outdoor pollen in a grow tent, and past plants ended up chopped up and smoked, never had any seeds in any of them, not from other MJ plants or from magic pollen.


Well-Known Member
Your level of understanding about anything to do with growing weed is nearly zero. You continually spout bad advice on things you have no clue about. Only MJ pollen will pollinate MJ, otherwise everything would be seeded as there are numerous kinds of pollen spores in the air at all times. Pollen is so thick on my deck today it's like yellow dust, and plants are sitting on it.

Just because YOU BELIEVE any pollen will pollinate MJ does not make it so.

Do newbies a favor and STFU with your poor, wrong and misguided advice.
I've been putting up with the yellow shit covering everything for a month now.:wall:

Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
No i think like a normal human who doesn't want anything to ruin his hard work by some bullshit. You tell me about austraila ,, i live in fucking america, not some back bush sideways country. I live in the middle of the mountians and nothing but tree's all around me.. When spring hits here its a complete pollen covering.. So when have fresh new white hair buds and that shit hits them they turn red and a seed sack forms ..
How thick are you?


Well-Known Member
so for all the punk trolls here .. i didn't say that just any old pollen will seed the buds but when there is that much pollen in the air the hairs will collect the pollen be it male pollen from a distant plant or a wild pollen from another plant but the point is that the hair will turn back and a seed will produce .. it may not be a stable seed or even turn to seed but the calyx will get hard and a seed will form so if you don't like my opinion stay the fuck out of it and troll someone else.. to bluegrass grower good luck and hope your buds are blessed with thousands of seeds..
Ha ha ha love it mj bein pollinated by any pollen ho ho you jestin wiv the crowds smokey bear, peace very funny btw


Well-Known Member
mr bass1014 needs to settle down and pay attention growing for 20 years I don't think so 20 year old punk kid would be more fitting.. this is not how we act.the real answer is. this far into flower if any pollen is released it will not have time to produce seed before you harvest it so you may as well let it go until it is finished. any seed that is in it already developing is much easier to get out when mature apposed to little white immature crap everywhere


Well-Known Member
The problem with America, and all around the world for that matter, is that the idiots are always the loudest ones.