Some women really like doggystyle

Wow didnt realise that girls get unwanted attention from dogs on buses aswell as tramps.

In regards to your incident...deffo dog rape. Remember. No means no :)

No means maybe to me until you hit my face with a rolled up news paper. Then it means no!
NO! wap!
Foreal how do you wake up,and be like "Ok I'ma fuck a dog today" how do you wrap your mind around shit like that? her and that lady that had those cats in her freezer would be the best of friends.
ROFL...I almost spit my water on my keyboard when I seen this shit.
Wow didnt realise that girls get unwanted attention from dogs on buses aswell as tramps.

In regards to your incident...deffo dog rape. Remember. No means no :)

I'd rather a dog than a human actually lol (was assaulted by a drunk man on a train)

I can laugh about it now. First his owner was worried I 'd be scared of the dog or it'd attack me but I really wante to pet it, so he was relieved and happy we were getting on, then the next minute it's like WHOAH he likes you a bit too much, there is a 170lb dog all excited on me and his owner looked like he wanted to just crawl into a hole and die... Lol
I don't feel bad that her face is being plastered around. She's the one who GETS FUCKED BY DOGS and went and told people about it. She opened herself up to the judgement of other people.
I'd rather a dog than a human actually lol (was assaulted by a drunk man on a train)

I can laugh about it now. First his owner was worried I 'd be scared of the dog or it'd attack me but I really wante to pet it, so he was relieved and happy we were getting on, then the next minute it's like WHOAH he likes you a bit too much, there is a 170lb dog all excited on me and his owner looked like he wanted to just crawl into a hole and die... Lol

170lb dog! They sure do grow em big round your way.

Fuck, think I would have let it do what it wants aswell.
When interviewed after her arrest Ms. Sonnier was asked if she would have changed anything. Her reply was, "Well yes. I would have trimmed his nails, brushed his teeth, and changed my name to Chumani tatanka oh wah chi". Got that one launched before cn did :)