Some sort of problem - Sorry no pics will give as much info as possible.


Active Member
Heya, 2nd time grower here, Got a baby outside right now in a 10 gallon pot, she stands 35" high and is 3 weeks into flowering. In the last week and a half her leaves starting from the bottom have all begun to turn bright yellow and fall off. I did not feed her any nutes during veg and have not fed her anything during flowering yet. The soil she's in is this
has been since the beginning.

She gets full sun 80% of the day or at least some filtered sun through a tree the other 20.

The yellowing of the leaves originally began at the bottom, but today I returned home and it's skipping whole nodes all together and affecting 1 / 2 of the fan leaves on the lower nodes.

Will keep an eye on it for any edit I may need to make to help with more info.


Well-Known Member
Feed it some nitrogen, depending on how bushy she is she might of cleaned your soil of N already and has started to pull it from the older growth to feed the new growth.


Well-Known Member
^ What he said, could also be late magnesium def - any brown spotting? If not, probably N def.

Some argue about it, but generally you want a good "fade" going around week 6 flower on indicas/quick hybrids. By "fade" I mean a mild N deficiency. Means the plant is using up what it's stored and there'll be less of a hay smell to the bud after harvest (caused by chlorophyll).

Feed her lightly to start, tapering up nutes as you go.. probably want to alternate feedings/waterings too. Then taper off the nutes when you want some fade.