Some soil questions before my first start


Hello everyone!

What's the simplest soil mix that's viable for growing?
Have watched a lot of guides but sometimes they are a bit "too advanced", so I'm wondering which one do you have experience with?

This is my first time ever so I'm more focused on learning, but at the same time don't want to buy stuff that I'll not use.

If it helps, here are some data of what I'm starting:
-2,5x3 (grow tent)
-HPS 400w (light)
-Diesel auto (strain)

Trying to keep it simple for the first time and then, when had some experience, begin to experiment myself :P
3 routes --
1 is you buy soil, add nutes as needed
2 is you build soil, add nutes as needed
3 is you build a supersoil and dont need nutes

Each has + and -
Look into roots organic 707 mix. If you can get it I strongly suggest it. You won't be disappointed. Even the price is very competitive and just as good as others that cost more. Imo it's one of the best. I use to be a die hard fox farms fan. Until they opened up.a second plant and quality control went to shit. I also have mixed my own soils. However, after using the roots organic 707 I've found no need to mess with anything else. I use straight roots organic for the first month to 5 weeks and then I start feeding Mega Crop. Shit is as simple as it gets. Just add water. The 707 buffers ph really nice and the mega crop has everything you need to cruise right through start to finish. I've been growing over 25 years and have tried tons of different soils and food. I have gardens on well water and gardens on city water. They both do just fine on that soil and food combo.

If you want you can get a free sample of green leaf nutrients Mega Crop to try. That's honestly how I got started on it. I won it in a giveaway here.

Good luck