Some serios problems pls help


Hello Riu this is my first time growing so as a newb ... i was very excited when i seen them growing and sad when they had problems i invest a lot of feelings in this plants..but i think they are 3 months by now but i had problem with root bound and need it to change the pots i was using in bigger ones ...had problem with the is around 40 degrees :) not every day but tho :P didn`t feeed them when they growed buds...i overwatered them so i guess that delay my plants to grow i begin the feed them for 3 weeks and rly can`t see any big improvement so i`m asking you riu what should i do...because i rly don`t know should i let them grow and feed them a bit more ...should i cut them off... as you see in the pictures the buds are rly small... i fuck things up :) can wait for my second grow....tnx again for helping me



Well-Known Member
They look like they're trying to reveg? Not experienced enough to say 100% but the leaves and their shape look like reveg. Idk if that's because of the heat stress, lack of flowering nutes, but it's too bad because it looks like you were quite a ways along in flowering...hopefully a more experienced grower will chime in on whether or not to cut the buds. Peace to you and good luck


Well-Known Member
They look like they're trying to reveg? Not experienced enough to say 100% but the leaves and their shape look like reveg. Idk if that's because of the heat stress, lack of flowering nutes, but it's too bad because it looks like you were quite a ways along in flowering...hopefully a more experienced grower will chime in on whether or not to cut the buds. Peace to you and good luck
You would be smoking nutrients.


Well-Known Member
What ya got to lose? Just use water for awhile and see if they clean up. Start some others too. They do look like revegging.