some really odd bud growth!


so this is a purple wreck from seed grown in super soil in the end of week 5. I dont have a clue what it is but it was fine untill about a week ago then this started its a yellow cluster doesent appear to be pollen or sacks. Im stumped but dont know if i should remove it. The rest of the room is doing great just this one is weird. any info is greatly appreciated


Active Member
Have you looked at it under a microscope? Looks like a monster collection of trichs from the pictures. Let us know what you find.


Well-Known Member
ive seen bud growth that looked like that on a dinafem og kush i grew, it looks really white and is pretty much normal bud besides the bizarre look. Mine were at the bottom of the bud and the bud was just that same white looking stuff, not growing off the top of the bud like yours. this truely is bizarre.


Well-Known Member
i have seen this before, its perfectly healthy, its just a weird genetic hick-cup where the calyxes lose their pigment and go usually happens on a single cola, and the rest of the plant is normal.....there is a famous pic of Qleaner that had that going on...i think it was Sub's pic from a tester nerd.....i will try to find it....
yea im gonna just keep an eye on it, as long as it isnt a herm im not to worried.
It smells cheesy skunky really good and it is just on a couple colas probaly is just a genetic thing
wont keep her as a mom but probaly worth finishing.
thanks for the input everyone


Well-Known Member
no what it is is hash tips ,.. or that's what some cannabis author called them. Personally I am not so sold on the idea that it is a ton of trichs, you can watch my youtube video at 1 minute 10 seconds

They are more commun with LEDs, when I got my hash tip though it wasnt because the buds were too close to the light but getting LOTS of light from multiple source ... I looked at it with a microscope and it did look like thousands of trichs but at the same time, I know what bleaching looks like and even though there was no bleach on the leaves around I am pretty sure that it's what it is, bleach.

I bet you grow with LEDs? The key with LEDs is not to try to get the light as close as you can like most people think but instead have the light at the perfect height for a perfect blend of the spectrum without being too far.

that's that. Google ''hash tips'' and you will find an article and many posts on various forums.

EDIT, perfectly fine to smoke it, mine almost vanished during drying because it wasnt as big as yours. I have read people doing side by side blind smoke test and couldnt tell which one was the bleached one.