Some random pics to share


Hey everyone, it's been a long time since I posted on here and after being here for nearly 6 months I've built up quite the collection of pictures along the way.

Currently we're on the 3rd grow since our first day.

Enjoy some of the memories!

Here is how it all began, before anything was bought at all it was just a trip to my local hardware store and some walmart paint :)

At this point I intended to run 2 cycles, one in flower and one in veg and just rotate things through the two sides, CFL's were the only lights on my mind



... We obtained a few plants off friends who had left them outside too long and they burned. Just recovering and healing we put them into what we had built so far

It was about 2 weeks that the clones were a little odd, it took them a long time to root as they had to come out of flower. So with only hours of experience and just online posts to read we eventually found the sweet spot and produced...

These are freshly cloned, dipped in gel and put into rockwool cubes



Those 8 clones had a rocky start, 2 weeks destroyed while the plants reversed from flower. After almost 2 weeks we didn't really see any signs they were rooting. The leaves were green still and they appeared healthy, but they were not getting any bigger.
I don't have pics, but we flooded the little trays under them and the rockwool picked up the water. After this within about 2-3 days they were rooted, roots were coming out of everywhere they filled the bottom of the tray and we had to move to the next stage.
Not wanting the roots to be exposed to the light we went the route of DWC

Not sure the age of the ones into flower but if i had to guess at this point its probably about 6 weeks



So that was around the beginning of Oct. The clones just started taking off, they grew inches a day it seemed we had to raise our cfls sometimes twice a day to keep up. The ones in flower seemed to be weak, but we assumed this would happen since they were toasted and brought outside to inside.

This is a week later, Oct 14th or so



Oct 18th... Only days later

I went to the hardware store looking for a piece of furnance ducting to cut in half and make a little reflector.

Instead I found flat pieces used to surround your floor joists. Worked perfect. All I needed was tin snips, and a rivet gun



This is Oct 19th, still pretty close but we decided to take some clones. Really thinned out the plants, I thought they were looking great. The clones all were about a medium size, still young and green but had some length to them



While this was going on, it was time to take those 8 clones and toss them into flower

We looked them over, and decided to trim them down again. It has only been one week now since we last trimmed them, it just looked like we didn't take enough off

Like I said we're new to the process, so instead of tossing all the trimmings we just cloned them again

The orig 8, moved to flower under the CFL reflectors we made before
The clones just got a few cfls in the smaller cabinet for now



bud bootlegger
there are looking good m8... it is pretty cool at how hardy that mj can be..
looks like you have everything going pretty good..
good luck with your growing.


So lets just skip ahead some, since my picture taking wasn't the greatest..

A bit of a story

So those beautiful little clones became some wondering flowering plants, that we have 12 of now that just moved into flower with those 8 I just posted.

We had an accident... That's right, don't forget these are pics from my first ever grow...

I had a furnance line break, it seperated off the main ducting and unknown to me was blowing super hot air on my clones and vegging plants since they are on the same light cycle... Almost killed the whole crop of vegging plants. We're still recovering from that, tossed almost 10 plants...

So that's right, every post out there says to expect some problems, well there's mine. No pics yet, but I'll show you the damage

Here's today, about 2 hours ago

Now of course I would rather show you all my beauty pics, but lets be honest. Things happen, and we all learn from our mistakes. I've learnt so much in the last 4 months and I apply that to everyday of my grow. There is still soooo much to learn, I haven't even gotten into PH yet



So that's all for now

Thanks for the +rep, though you may take it away once you see the recent clones :shock:

Hope you enjoyed some pics from absolute newb and hammer/nails, to 600W HPS and some bud to smoke :)