Some questions..


Well-Known Member
Alright I'm in NY and I have 3 plants that are all different strains. I have one female and the others just won't show. I've tried moving them so they get less sunlight so they will be forced to show but still nothing and it has been a few weeks now. It's almost September and we will get frost in a few months. They look all indica dominant so they wont need as much time to flower but I was wondering if there is anything I can do to force them to start flowering because I'm afraid if they don't start now then they won't be done by the time frost comes. I've heard of covering them for a few days with a black garbage bag but I'm not sure how well this will work. Someone please heeellp!


Active Member
yeah im in the same boat as you bro,but half the growers around this site seem to be from the uk or canada or some other crazy place with a long growing season,i live in massachusetts and have 4 female bagseed growing nicely,one it was pruned for a while now and its like a 4ft tall outdoor bush with big ass hairs on them but it doesnt seem to be quite flowering yet and its almost the 1st of sept...give it time we wont get a frost till probably the middle to the end of oct. which means another good 6 weeks of growing,you will get bud dont rush....or just start making a nutrients sched.big bloom works using 1gal of water diluted with liqui-bloom once a week...


Well-Known Member
So you really think that 6 weeks will be long enough for buds to develop? That is assuming they will start to flower this week. I don't really want to just wait it out. I need some tips to trigger these to start to flower. anyoneee?


Active Member
well if they start to bud within the next week,then 6 weeks will probably not be enough time,if they bloom real quick and have a growth spurt then maybe,but other than that,it sounds to me that u are going to have premature buds unless u force flower for a week or so,therefor putting a big black garbage bag over ur plant(s),from 8pm to 8am it will force flower then...thats about all i can tell you man,anyother questions just ask..thanks


Well-Known Member
ya your gonna be short on time......i have heard the bag trick will work if your consistant w/ the 12/12 cycle.......good luck


Active Member
damnn,this is gunna be hard
let me know what other people with experience in outdoor bagseed grow's....

I have 2 plants right now that im focused about 4 1/2 ft tall...already has a good amount of pistals,keep in mind i live in MA in the its almost the 1st day of september,climates still great but my plant that is 4ft. doesnt look like "bud" yet,has real big ass hairs but there jus on all of the nodes,another plant i have is pruned to about 20 main colas..bout 3ft tall.really wide...on most of the tops it looks like a legit female flower,lots of hairs and tri leaflets coming out also...but it seems to only be about a week maybe more in flower...when will i expect to harvest up here in NE Usa...thanks..definatly need some expirence input.and someone that likes to write