Some Question's about flowering and etc..


Hello everyone,
I have a planetwhich is hight is about 1.30 meters,(Satvia plant)
He have been growing already about 4 months ( in 4 days will be 4 months) .
As i understood I will know the sex after the planet will start to flower am i right?
Secondly, When is the flowering period start's if he grows outdoor's?

I will post some pictures soon.



Well-Known Member
First off stop calling it a HE or you will wind up with a HE.

With that said I wait to see the white hairs forming on the joints. As soon as a see a few of those I switch the lights to 12/12

If it is a boy you will know when the balls grow in groups, kind of looks like a bunch of grapes.


I got some white hairs but they are very little so it mean she is ready for flowering?

You didn't answer on my previous question,
When is the flowering period outdoor?


Well-Known Member
Looks like she's ready to me. Are you going to put her in the ground? If not I would repot into much larger container. Sativas get big and it will need the room and the counterweight to keep it from blowing over.


Thanks you guys for all of your comments.
And by the way can someone see on the picture if its male or female or she dosent have sex yet?



Active Member
On that picture, I don't see any of the pistil's poking out. Your sex is not determined until you can clearly see the Pistils or Pollen sacks of a male. There's no real way to tell before those parts form, although you will be able to tell the difference between no sex organ and a tiny little guy if you sit there and gawk at your garden like I do sometimes. :joint: