some pics of my first grow. input welcome!


Active Member
so i didn't fancy putting on my concrete boots and diving into a journal straight away lol but all the same i wouldn't mind some tips/pointers/criticisms to give me the boot up the proverbial arse i probably need! haha i'm so (mind the cliché) stoned!!!

sooo... yes, there's a point to this somewhere! i'm about three weeks along with two bagseeds, they're in the same container but thats a different story! i have a 200w plug 'n' grow 2700k light along with 2, 26w 6700k's with a nice home made reflector made from a huge ring binder. i wasn't going to get the 2700k involved till flowering but i read else where that the more light the better, regardless of the colour spectrum.

last week i introduced them to their new home; a large plastic box that i decimated with a stanley knife about 30 times. i'd say it's at least 12ltrs.

the larger of the two, 'Stella' has been abused with lst since she was quite young, she has string to support her at the base and tent pegs to keep her down.

the mutant runt is named becks and has had a hard time fighting for root space since they are in the same container but since transplant, she's really been perking up. i tied her down a little but i'll probably just let her grow straight from here and top her if she gets a bit leggy.

so enough talk for now, heres a few pics...

becks as she sprouted... check those crazy butterfly wings!!!

other than a wee bit of burn from the pre-ferted soil (:cry: i know!!!!) she's looking better

stella with her second top creeping through

second top a bit closer. there's 3 more just under the canopy waiting to creep through.

group shot

and from above

so basically i'm just in need of some suggestive input. i've already learned from 1 or two mistakes and i'm looking forward to learning some more.

cheers for taking the time to look at this and thanks in advance for any help:mrgreen: toe.x


Well-Known Member
so i didn't fancy putting on my concrete boots and diving into a journal straight away lol but all the same i wouldn't mind some tips/pointers/criticisms to give me the boot up the proverbial arse i probably need! haha i'm so (mind the cliché) stoned!!!

sooo... yes, there's a point to this somewhere! i'm about three weeks along with two bagseeds, they're in the same container but thats a different story! i have a 200w plug 'n' grow 2700k light along with 2, 26w 6700k's with a nice home made reflector made from a huge ring binder. i wasn't going to get the 2700k involved till flowering but i read else where that the more light the better, regardless of the colour spectrum.

last week i introduced them to their new home; a large plastic box that i decimated with a stanley knife about 30 times. i'd say it's at least 12ltrs.

the larger of the two, 'Stella' has been abused with lst since she was quite young, she has string to support her at the base and tent pegs to keep her down.

the mutant runt is named becks and has had a hard time fighting for root space since they are in the same container but since transplant, she's really been perking up. i tied her down a little but i'll probably just let her grow straight from here and top her if she gets a bit leggy.

so enough talk for now, heres a few pics...

becks as she sprouted... check those crazy butterfly wings!!!

other than a wee bit of burn from the pre-ferted soil (:cry: i know!!!!) she's looking better

stella with her second top creeping through

second top a bit closer. there's 3 more just under the canopy waiting to creep through.

group shot

and from above

so basically i'm just in need of some suggestive input. i've already learned from 1 or two mistakes and i'm looking forward to learning some more.

cheers for taking the time to look at this and thanks in advance for any help:mrgreen: toe.x
Lookin good so far...keep up the good work!!!


Well-Known Member
fellow noobie here, so no suggestions, but welcome to riu and good growing. looks like you have a great start. just curious, why are you using a tub instead of separate pots?


Well-Known Member
Hey, not tryna criticize anything since i'm on my first grow but are you thinking of keeping them in that container coz i wonder what you'll do when you have to transplant them.


Active Member
just curious, why are you using a tub instead of separate pots?
hey, i had a feeling that would come up sooner or later!!

well i had about 20 scruffy bagseeds kicking about, they were at least a year old so i didn't quite know what to expect when germing them. i put the 3 healthiest looking seeds in individual pots and literally threw the other 17 in a 6 inch pot on my windowsill.

turns out i had something backwards because the 3 in their pots didn't sprout but one morning after almost forgetting about the pot at my window i found two little seedlings. i was a bit scared, being a first timer, to go digging and re-potting so i just let them be. i had the idea of a large box from round about the start anyway. but as stated before, that was one of the mistakes i've made so far! :hump:

cheers for taking an interest guys!:mrgreen:


Active Member
Hey, not tryna criticize anything since i'm on my first grow but are you thinking of keeping them in that container coz i wonder what you'll do when you have to transplant them.
do you think i'll need to transplant again? it is a pretty big box they're in:confused:


Well-Known Member
do you think i'll need to transplant again? it is a pretty big box they're in:confused:
I don't know for sure because i'm a first time grower myself. Transplanting depends on how old you want the plants to be. Just for future refrence, the deeper the pot is the better because roots of marijuana tend to grow downwards rather than spread wider. All i'm saying is that it doesn't seem too late to transplant in individual pots but i really am not sure man. sorry...


Well-Known Member
You obviously know your errors...that being said, they look fine..playing around now trying to re-pot might give more grief then needed..... whats done is done...
I don't see how deep your container is, but I'd try to get some help and lift them all and put more soil in to get the soil line closer to the top rim of container...just a thought...... Welcome all you new guys......


Well-Known Member
yeah i dont wanna jump on the what you did wrong train for im a noobie myself! i would try to transplant them into different pots though when they are together like that they can become root bound.. and a tangled mess of roots that arent getting the right nutes..but like twisty said it might do more harm than good.. so its all up to you!! hope your grow goes good and once those things get big they may like grow into each other or something i dunno alls i know if are considering transplanting do it sooner than later it will be easier now than when you got big clumps of roots :) but other than that they look good! gl and good growing:blsmoke:


Active Member
yo, thanks for your input, but i think it's too late now to transplant again. i'd say my box is a foot and a bit deep and a good 18 inch wide. it is a big box but it's only been about a week since transplant from a 6 inch and theres already a couple of roots peeking out of the holes on the side. i'll put a few more pictures up in the morning (theres a few healthy looking tops now). i'll probably need a bit of advice over the next couple of days, i wasn't that worried actually until i read those replies!!! i guess 2 plants in the same pot is more trouble than i thot! tis a learning process though eh!

cheers again every1! nice friendly forum, glad i found it:blsmoke:


Active Member
since i have the time, i thought i'd give a wee update...

well fate solved my transplant issues it's self as becks (smaller of the 2) got the death sentence for showing his balls in a fem only zone! this has also given me more room to bend the other plant so i'm quite chuffed for now.

*pics 1,2&3 of the offending balls...

so my other plant, (stella) has just started to show sex... not 110% but i think it's a girl. it sprouted a day or two before the male and is really taking it's time to show. a couple of days ago, i took a couple of cuttings and put them to veg, the plant it's self has been on 12/12 for 2 days now.

*pics 4&5 - hopefully fem pre-flowers?

*pic 6 - just a progress shot.

Q: will the other plants dying roots make good fertilizer for the remaining plant or will they just get in the way?



Active Member
oh well, woke up this morning... got myself more balls:cry:

well that was a good waste of about 5 weeks. just started germing my single gh fem cheese seed. it better not turn herm on me or i'll lose the faith! anyway i'm off to kill stella and the clones:evil:


Well-Known Member
Don't worry man. Give yourself some slack. It's your first grow. Some people don't even make it to the germination, let alone pre-flowers.


Active Member
haha yeah... it's all good man i'm keeping my clone alive for a bit of practice and i've just started my cheese and brainstorm so all is well:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Is it just me or would it be a good idea if all you plants fail like this to collect pollen from a male 'Name Brand' seed strain to pollinate a single bud for a seed supply later?

I dont know for sure cause im new to growing also and dont know all the details im being smart buy getting all my bearing straight before I jump in....but wouldn't the pollen also carry the same genes as a female of the same strain? And if you only pollinated 1 bud like this would it cause some seeds to also become hermaphrodite later?


Active Member
it's only bagseed, i'd prefer to know the genetics of my pollen. it is still an option though, rather than kill one of the males i decided to keep it, i cut it out of the box and put it in a 8" pot. cutting the roots stunted the growth but it's still alive. i've taken clones for practice too.


Well-Known Member
Just leave them! They are weeds and will be fine. Just treat them well and definitely top them.

I don't think it needs to be said, but in the future when you plant or grow some clones, separate pots are necessary.

Try and avoid transplanting, it shocks the plants and is capable of killing them.



Well-Known Member
Oh, man, that post is what happens when you are high and not paying attention!

My bad. Plants did look very good while they lasted...
