• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Some one tried to break into my house


Well-Known Member
Somebody tried to break into one of my houses.. im not sure when it happened. But either today or yesterday.. i think it happened today..but tonight i was getting ready to feed the plants.. i went into the room and i noticed the panda film was flopping around i was like wtf so i check it and notice air was coming.. i started freaking out. My heart dropped into my stomach..

I went outside and someone threw a rock into the window and tried to pry it open. But i have lock on the slides too the couldnt open it.. what boggles my mind is that i also have bars on my windows.. looks like the tried to pull them off but fail.. but why break a window unlock it and then just give up? Ok nobody knows what i do in my neighborhood.. but i have a shit ton of zombie crack heads walking around this house is in the hood. Probably one of the worst in america.. i looked like a crack head attempt. What scares me that window was to a flowering room. What if a neighbor called the cops.. what if it was a cop? Will they be back again.. what the fuck am i suppose to do? Pack up and leave..I cant i have to much money invested..

Man this blows.. so tomorrow i am buying video cameras and boarding up all the windows from the inside.. i am about 100% sure they couldnt see anything because the panda film is blocking their view but absolutely sure they could smell it.. and now its leaking into the neighborhood.. fucking fuck..


Well-Known Member
i am about 100% sure they couldnt see anything because the panda film is blocking their view but absolutely sure they could smell it.. and now its leaking into the neighborhood.. fucking fuck..
You know sometimes it's best to take the more cautious approach. Crackhead thieves don't. I'm not sure about your legal status but your concern about the police kinda tells me that you're not legal. Maybe you can clear that one up.
If you're NOT legal the cameras aren't really going to do much good. I mean sure if they come back then you'll have a video of some crackhead throwing rocks at your house. But honestly what can you do with it from there?
Let's say crackhead gets caught up busting into someone else's place or arrested.
I don't know if you've ever been arrested for any sort of drug charges or anything but one of the first thing's they do is try and hit em up for any sort of info and offer to lessen their punishment. Aka get's them back out on the street and they won't be sitting up in a cell going through DTs or withdrawals.
Crackhead couldn't do it himself? I'm sure he's probably went and found an associate or 2 of his to try and figure out just how to bust up in your place and split profits.

You said you had too much money invested in it to pull the plug but honestly if things take a turn for the worse because of this event you're going to be
1 Out of your grow anyways
2 Possibly looking at charges + out of your grow

You said the smell was leaking out into your neighborhood. Now you have far too many people that COULD know exactly where your grow is. People talk man. Now you have to be concerned about everyone who possibly COULD have smelled it as well.

That's just adding way too many X-Factors and risks to your operation.

I've pulled the plug 3 times on indoor ops because of X-Factors. Pulled it on 16 beautiful trainwreck females that were a month into flowering. AFTER vegging for 6 weeks.

Yeah it sucked and I was beyond pissed about everything. But I would have been more pissed off sitting in the felony pod in county. I'd personally rather be outside and free to smoke dope, diddle my girls pooter and have some drinks.

It's your call though man. I'm just throwing my 2GP in there.


Well-Known Member
I dont think the smell is to bad, its getting boarded up today.. im parking my car somewhere and im going to wait for them with a .45 and the cameras are so i can see who did it.. i beat there fuck crack head ass.. im 6"5 , 245 and im a hard worker, i worked in the oil field and construction my whole life.. i can seriuosly fuck a CH up quick.. i just wanna catch them at this point..

BTW i dont talk to cops... period


Active Member
I dont think the smell is to bad, its getting boarded up today.. im parking my car somewhere and im going to wait for them with a .45 and the cameras are so i can see who did it.. i beat there fuck crack head ass.. im 6"5 , 245 and im a hard worker, i worked in the oil field and construction my whole life.. i can seriuosly fuck a CH up quick.. i just wanna catch them at this point..

BTW i dont talk to cops... period
LMFAO...FIRST you are scared because you dont wanna get busted which I totally get, if it was me in this situation and NOT legal, id be shutting it down quick! Especially if you think he could smell it, and the smell escaped to the neighborhood. BUUUUUT then all of a sudden your gonna wait in the drive way with a 45 and beat this crack heads ass....like that wont fucking get you put away...cops get called there gonna wanna know what the fight is about you tell them, well guess what they gotta check your house out to make sure its okay, and what they find WILL NOT be okay with them, the crackhead will go smoke crack and smile, you will be in prison not smiling...or worse, you will be in prison on a murder charge really not smiling..Shut it down and move it, or take a break and re open business later at the same place. Of course you can always do what ya do, I can totally get the amount of cash invested and not really seeing it as possible to shut down, BUT if anything happens you will be the one saying it wasnt worth keeping the shit going..


Well-Known Member
Your thinking is off because your worried about your investment in the grow op which is a drop in the bucket vs lawyer fee's & court fines & fee's , obviuosly your not legal or are growing too many plants so secrecy is a huge concern , first off crackheads & street people are highly in tune with the neighborhoods in which they prowl , they notice anything suspicous instantly because their heads are on a swivel allways scanning the area for something to steal , boarding up windows & putting up cameras only makes em want in more , if your crackheads are like mine in Detroit the only thing you'll see from the camara is the crackheads crusty face when he's stealing the camera .

You cant buy houses in bad neighborhoods for a couple thousand bucks & use them as grow op's safely , they instantly notice your routines of comming over to work on the plants & mow the lawn , if they cant get in to steal everything they'll use your house as a bargining chip to get a lessor sentance when they get arrested for other shit , you've been exposed as a grow house & the location is no good , you need to pack up & split while you can before you get popped by police .

Put yourself in a pipe sucking mother fukers shoes for a minute , you need dope & you know where there's a grow house nobody lives in , you try to b & e the place but cant get in but your still fiending for a bump & need to use the grow house to your advantage , now you remember cops pay cash rewards so you call crime stoppers tip line & spill your guts about the grow house & what you saw inside , cops start investigating & watching the house , after watching you come & go they have probable cause & the next time you come to water the doors blow down & in come the nazis , you'll go to jail , cops will sieze the house being grown in as well as any other shit you own like the car you drove there , the house you live in , wifes car , bank accounts & any cash you have on hand , it dont matter what proof you have showing how you bought your houses & cars they sieze everything you own & let the court decide if you get the stuff back or not , even if your slick like i thought i was & put the house you live in & other cars you own in somebody elses name they still sieze it all under the rico act & make family members fight to get it back , once LEO takes possesion of anyrthing they rarely give it back & if they convict using rico statures they never give anything back & often charge family members with conspiracy for putting your property in their name .

Just the act of owning a seperate house with the purpose of manufacturing a controled substance instantly puts you in line with the rico laws , take it from somebody who's been there you will loose all you own under rico & you'll do time , if i were you i'd split the scene & unload that house asap before that crackhead collects $1,000 crime stopper reward .


Well-Known Member
Ok so this is the deal.. i went and talked to my neighbor today.. he is a 70+ year old black man that is retired with no kids and a deceased wife. He sits on his porch drinking beer all day. So last thursday a fucking a week ago is when they attemped to break in. He caught them, he said it was mid-day. He was in his bedroom and he could hear them trying to break the bars. He said he grabbed his gun and walked around the back of his yard and fired 3 shots into the air. And confronted them and he said they ran for their lives.. i thanked him dearly and bought him a 30 pack of beer.. i asked him why he didnt call the cops he said he doesnt fuck with cops.. i told him neither do I. He was cool as shit for 70 year old man. But i guess living in hood your whole life brings hated to LEO as most of feel the same..
So i ordered the nicest 8 infra red video camera system I could find on amazon and had them over night it. It should be here tomorrow and will be installed by sunset.. i am not leaving the house for the next week.. staying on gaurd with a pistol on me 24/7..

For those of you that said i guess your not in a med or rec state because you didnt call the cops. WTF legal or not.. NEVER CALL THE COPS! I dont know what imaginary world you fucking live in. Have any of you ever tried to report a break in or tried to report something that has been stolen? You know what the fuck happens NOT A GOD DAMN THING! Maybe i need to brush you up on something here in good ol Merica the police are here to fuck you any means possible..

Golden rule DONT TALK TO COPS! Do you really think the cops care if someone is breaking into grow house even if your in rec state or .. FUCK NO! you are a criminal.

Btw im using 3/4 osb board on every window but the front windows..

Regardless im not shutting down this grow i have 10k invested.. fuck that noise

And yes i am legal..


Well-Known Member
Your thinking is off because your worried about your investment in the grow op which is a drop in the bucket vs lawyer fee's & court fines & fee's , obviuosly your not legal or are growing too many plants so secrecy is a huge concern , first off crackheads & street people are highly in tune with the neighborhoods in which they prowl , they notice anything suspicous instantly because their heads are on a swivel allways scanning the area for something to steal , boarding up windows & putting up cameras only makes em want in more , if your crackheads are like mine in Detroit the only thing you'll see from the camara is the crackheads crusty face when he's stealing the camera .

You cant buy houses in bad neighborhoods for a couple thousand bucks & use them as grow op's safely , they instantly notice your routines of comming over to work on the plants & mow the lawn , if they cant get in to steal everything they'll use your house as a bargining chip to get a lessor sentance when they get arrested for other shit , you've been exposed as a grow house & the location is no good , you need to pack up & split while you can before you get popped by police .

Put yourself in a pipe sucking mother fukers shoes for a minute , you need dope & you know where there's a grow house nobody lives in , you try to b & e the place but cant get in but your still fiending for a bump & need to use the grow house to your advantage , now you remember cops pay cash rewards so you call crime stoppers tip line & spill your guts about the grow house & what you saw inside , cops start investigating & watching the house , after watching you come & go they have probable cause & the next time you come to water the doors blow down & in come the nazis , you'll go to jail , cops will sieze the house being grown in as well as any other shit you own like the car you drove there , the house you live in , wifes car , bank accounts & any cash you have on hand , it dont matter what proof you have showing how you bought your houses & cars they sieze everything you own & let the court decide if you get the stuff back or not , even if your slick like i thought i was & put the house you live in & other cars you own in somebody elses name they still sieze it all under the rico act & make family members fight to get it back , once LEO takes possesion of anyrthing they rarely give it back & if they convict using rico statures they never give anything back & often charge family members with conspiracy for putting your property in their name .

Just the act of owning a seperate house with the purpose of manufacturing a controled substance instantly puts you in line with the rico laws , take it from somebody who's been there you will loose all you own under rico & you'll do time , if i were you i'd split the scene & unload that house asap before that crackhead collects $1,000 crime stopper reward .

Well thanks for looking out.. i respect your opinion its just not the road for me..


Well-Known Member
Just so everybody knows at no time have i recomended calling the police , i hate all cop's & in most cases you end up worse off after calling them , they'll find a way to fuk you over & use some asshole law to either fine the shit out of you or take whatever they can .

I hate cop's & would never recomend calling them for any reason , we just had a major run in with cop's at our home that ended up costing us nearly $10,000 fukin dollars but i dont want to hijack your thread ranting about it .


Well-Known Member
Well all is good in the hood, the kids that tried to break in my house, tried to break into another house couple houses down and the owner shot one of them in the face killing him dead. But they arrested the home owner because the kid was only 16.. i havent heard anything else after that.

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
idk how people get the balls to just break into somebody's house even if they don't know if they're home or not, sketchy enough stealing bikes from drive ways, dipping in on locked cars, got some weed out of it last night :bigjoint:

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
we were drunk, we stole beef jerkey and chips the other night drunk. i'd never do anything like that in a million years sober you can see why so many ppl are in jail because of alcohol


Well-Known Member
dude.. problem number 1.. should of had those windows boarded to begin with.. man.. I learned this the hard way too.. but board them up .. and make sure u cant get in before setting up a grow.. but anyways.. wat I did.. was.. this.. I put a piece of plywood over the window.. used 2x4s to frame it.. so that it was sturdy..

then I took a bunch of nails and screws.. and screwed them and nailed them in to the plywood.. so .. if someone tries. to KICK the plywood trying to break in.. they will get a foot full of nails. and the best part is.. there is a window curtain so u cant see the plywood or nails and screws.. so im hoping they reach in.. feel that the top is wood and start kicking.. lol.