Some one help me i fill so lost...


Active Member
Ok i got a new seed growing just planted like 2 hours ago...

I'm only doing one this time around, Mostly because i used some pretty good dirt but its still i'm thinking the growing is going to be alot diff...


How much water a day? {eough to fill? or till it get a lil muddy?}

Do i leve it out on my window seal so it gets air?...{AT night}

And if it does grow and i turns out good maybe nexted time i should make it a mixture of good rich soil and the dirt from my garden?

right now its a lil muddy not to much...

and its getting dark so should i bring it in from out side or?

And for right now im going to use sun light to make it grow, because later i might make it an out door plant....Or just take it out all day and bring it in at night if leveing it out is a bad idea...

I knoiw thier is stuff im forgetting to ask but if you would be of asisstance that would be nice and pls if you wana ask and or ask and answer then tight...


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Ummm lot of stuff here. First do some reading on the basics here. You should have germinated the seed before planting it. 1 seed is risky as at best you have a 50 50 shot of getting a female so you could grow for 3 months and find out you grow a usuless male plant.Did you mix perlit or anything with the soil to make sure its light as dirt from the yard is heavy and not great to start a young plant in. You ll want to keep some kind of light on the seedling for 24 hours a day to give it a source to grow to and help keep it warm.Watch the water ph you give it and feed it carefully.Dont let it get cold or it will die. Youll only have to lightly water the seedling once for awhile.General rule is stick your finger in the dirt and see if its moist 1-2 inches down.Gonna be tricky if you didnt germintae as the seed may not crack. I suggest reading the net for the basics as it sounds like you need the very basic basic steps in trying this again. Good luck


Active Member
ok cool thx for you help bro, Um i know the basics, and like how to germinate the seeds and shit, but i was just trying one seed this way the rest are going to be in rich soil...i am just trying to see if this firt from the yard is good eough to make my own mix..

It seems to be doing alot better now ima put it under a light {like you sugested} i have grown a plant by just putting it in the window all day and night....{most likely not the best way to do it but it did work} i am however kinda new to growing but i am a big stoner going on like 5 years now and grew up around bud plants....but agian thx for all your info it really helps if you come across some new info that may help i beg of you to let me know...

this i guess is kinda of an just trying something new in hopes that the plant will come out good... im trying to grow that plant like if were to grow wild in a fild so agian, thx and i hope if grow if you whant ill keep you up dated on how it goes...