Some nice fresh bud I got


The name: I have no idea
The smell: fruity scent with a hint of skunk
The taste: fruity taste (tastes good and isn't harsh on lungs)
The bud's texture: soft
The potency: Strong! I got fucked up from only 2 hits (picture as much smoke as 2 cigarette drags)
Usally when I get soft bud it's moldy. I'm happy to say that I couldn't find one spec of mold on this stuff.
High duration: 3h

And some pictures :)

Well I got a new connection with better stuff so What do you guys think of this stuff?

Edit: HOLY SHIT! I just smoked this stuff and its good LOL
Effects: Good Mood, Laughter, Euphoria, other misc trippy effects




looks nice man! Try putting it in a sealed glass jar for a quick week cure if you can manage, It should come out even sweeter/skunkier ;)