But what do you think of this 12w DLR COB Lights?
.... 4,5w each and delivers p.pcs. 550lm in coolwhite. Use it for rooting steckies, but since they are self-adhesive, completely passive cooled and only 17cm long, they would fit perfectly for you.
Good info, but I'm having trouble understanding the lm/w. (12w or 4.5w?). And, if you're using the lumens from the ebay listing, I think that gets to the heart of the problem comparing strip LED with Vero COB. We can't trust these inexpensive lights to be honestly depicted by the sellers.
I really like more distributed light compared to single-point COBs. But, the lack of reliable information makes it almost impossible to discuss them. It's like we need our own relative comparison. A baseline (such as the mouser strip mentioned earlier) and then compare lumens (of the same color temperature) . A methodology of distance and grid (12" distance and measure center, 4" and 8" off center.). A way to say with fair certainty "I have this, and when I compare it to that, it is n% brighter/dimmer."
If the info were in a wiki, cross comparisons would make sense (compared to a multi-page conversation). For example, if you had a foot of the mouser strip and compared to this product. I might buy this product and some cheap 5630 from Amazon and make a similar comparison. I could update the wiki to say that Amazon brand LED compares. Someone else could compare the mouser strip to something. There would always be a way to speak
But, I guess that idea is flawed because these inexpensive products are likely to vary by lot, sourced from different manufacturers. But, at least that could be tracked as others could make the same measurements over time.
I guess I'm thinking about two problems. One is the lack of verifiable performance info for any particular strip light (except mouser or digikey). The other is the lack of easy-to-find user experiences with a particular source of unverifiable strip. (I.e., a wiki would make that better.). That's something COB has going for it. This thread will eventually be 30 pages long. If someone contemplates strip lighting they're going to see this thread and feel like a Vero is a better choice because they don't have to spend a couple hours tying dozens of thoughts together, pondering whether lm/w comments are verified or just repeating something from an eBay page, etc.
I wish there were a way to make this better because I think strip lights are the way to go for sidelighting and smaller (2x4x4' tall) grows.