Some leaves are going yellow?


Well-Known Member
to repot, put your hand over the top stalk between fingers and tap the sides till pot comes loose. and yes you will need to repot. idk if the problems your getting are from rootbound but those are small pots and if you leave it in there it will b a problem. adding some dolomite lime to your soil mix when you repot is a good idea. you are going to want to fert at some point your soil mix might have some fert in it already but your not going to grow all the way to harvest without any ferts, at least not with store bought soil. it doesn't realy matter that much what fert you use in soil. if you already have one for hydro it will prob be fine. as far as watering... lift the pot after you water and see how heavy it is. when it starts to feel light, water again. you want a little run off. you don't want to wait till the plants start to droop. hth


Well-Known Member
Yeah they are kinda like hermies, half good (the buds) half you really dont want or need (the ignorant pollen sacs/seeds).... :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
JEffdogs posts are full of insults to everyone and anyone. he calls multiple people trolls all of his posts. NOT ONE SINGLE PICTURE OF GROWING MARIJUANA. hmmmmmmmmmmmm
I don't starve my plants of nitrogen. I don't go to grow shops. Growing marijuana is easy and anyone can grow A+++ top shelf, one hitter quitter. Find the genetics (California that is easy as pie) put the clone in good soil from your favorite Target or Walmart. Water with TAP water when the plant is thirsty. If you feel like getting fancy, then add some well balanced N-P-K as in the ratio found in most house plant MG bottles.
Furthermore, JEffdog is a newb grower or just one of the countless trolls parroting what they read or googled, in Jorge Cervantes grow bible or that other deuch bag Ed Growsnothingatall. Get a science book on growing house plants or veggies. If you want a overpriced picture book full of misinformation about growing a mythical plant then get a 'Marijuana Grow Book'. The TRUTH that hurts so many people on RIU is that 'Grow Shops are pure bullshit and they should be illegal. But there is no help for us stoners. The government could give a shit if you buy snake oil and dog piss for nutrients. So i submit to you tonight the truth. Take it or leave it. With any research on the Internet you can find two answers to ANYTHING. Fuck even gravity. You search hard enough you will find gravity is not fucking real. LETS GET REAL. Marijuana is easy to grow and it is a plant. The little old lady who lives down the street from you, growing that mammoth sized sunflower and veggies, has never been near a "hyrdoponic grow shop". And she sure has shit never talked to a jeffdog before.


Well-Known Member
JEffdogs posts are full of insults to everyone and anyone. he calls multiple people trolls all of his posts. NOT ONE SINGLE PICTURE OF GROWING MARIJUANA. hmmmmmmmmmmmm
I don't starve my plants of nitrogen. I don't go to grow shops. Growing marijuana is easy and anyone can grow A+++ top shelf, one hitter quitter. Find the genetics (California that is easy as pie) put the clone in good soil from your favorite Target or Walmart. Water with TAP water when the plant is thirsty. If you feel like getting fancy, then add some well balanced N-P-K as in the ratio found in most house plant MG bottles.
Furthermore, JEffdog is a newb grower or just one of the countless trolls parroting what they read or googled, in Jorge Cervantes grow bible or that other deuch bag Ed Growsnothingatall. Get a science book on growing house plants or veggies. If you want a overpriced picture book full of misinformation about growing a mythical plant then get a 'Marijuana Grow Book'. The TRUTH that hurts so many people on RIU is that 'Grow Shops are pure bullshit and they should be illegal. But there is no help for us stoners. The government could give a shit if you buy snake oil and dog piss for nutrients. So i submit to you tonight the truth. Take it or leave it. With any research on the Internet you can find two answers to ANYTHING. Fuck even gravity. You search hard enough you will find gravity is not fucking real. LETS GET REAL. Marijuana is easy to grow and it is a plant. The little old lady who lives down the street from you, growing that mammoth sized sunflower and veggies, has never been near a "hyrdoponic grow shop". And she sure has shit never talked to a jeffdog before.
Oh noes sounds like somebody got their E feelings hurt!!!!!! Take it or leave it bro! lmmfao this dude is too fun guys.. So and so dont know nothing, they just come on here to hurt my poor widdle feelings woe is me.... WOEEEEEE is MEEEEEE lmao... Thanks for the laugh Imp i seem to do that at just about everyone of your posts. I dont call people trolls, your the one who is name calling. Bit hypocritical dont ya think? LMFAO :-P

You should just go get your mommy and tell your mommy and have her come defend ya cause you seriously lack the wits to insult people on this forum. you act like a 12 year old mate.. If you dont what people say in the forums then stop coming to them. Its only hypocritical for you to keep coming back and trying to fight the same people over the same stuff everyday. Hell ive never smoked in my life never grew a plant in my life i dont know what weed smells like, dont know what it looks like. There that should be enough info to build up more immature kiddie responses on while you drink your milk and eat your cookies puddy kins :)

Get real dude.... You dont like what i say then be smart for once and just block me. by you not blocking clearly shows that your just in this to stir trouble up. All i'm doing is making comments, not my fault your a person who tries to seek emotion/feelings/sarcasm and everything else through the internet..lmao :hump:

Sry Cur ill leave the thread so impy can say w/e he pleases i wont be seeing it :D Good day Imp, better luck next time mate.. :clap:


Well-Known Member
I cant believe your all here telling him to go and buy MG....when theres better not saying don't use if you got it knocking about but to recommend they go and buy it is just crazy......
C'mon dude! Have YOU ever even tried MG? Doubt it.
it works just as good as Botanicare, gh, and others I've tried.
My advice to you is...get some experience with other
products, THEN give an educated opinion.
If you aren't going organic, and you ARE on a budget, no need to pay for a neat label.