Some kind of mite infestation?

I sprayed the piss out of them daily. If I remember right it was 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. Doesn’t seem like much but taste it. Lick your finger and get some and taste it. It’s not poisonous or even irritating.
I've been using citric for different things for awhile. That shit will burn your skin too, lol.

It makes gummies sour also. But what's even better for sour gummies is to just use a regular Koolaid package and sugar mixture. You can do different flavors like that too. Unsweetened Koolaid is just flavored citric acid.
how do thrips come in to indoor grows? Are these primary transferred on clones or do we bring these in on our clothes/shoes?
how do thrips come in to indoor grows? Are these primary transferred on clones or do we bring these in on our clothes/shoes?

They're all over. Garden center at a big box store, house plants, outdoor plants. You only need to bring one into the grow area as they can reproduce asexually. They can lay eggs every few days and adults can live for over a month so just one thrip can multiply into a much larger population very fast.