Some Help for a newb?


Active Member
Hey guys, So I have been growing some marijuana seeds I got from a friend and I have a few questions. So Any help would be awsome!

I have been growing for about 3 weeks, And my plants look fine atm.

I think I may have made a mistake by putting 4 of my germinated seeds in one pot, (not sure of the size of the pot.)
So my question is, Will the plants be ok? I will post some pics of what they look like atm.

I am using
20inch fan to blow air around.
3 cfl's
and water.

I have a bigger pot that I want to move them in to when they are bigger.

So here is my set up ( I know it looks cheep, But thats because it is, I have spent a total of 0$ so far.
I know I will have to spend some later on, But This is just my 1st grow and want to get by as cheep as possible :)
also have some sticks in to help them stand up the 2nd week they were falling over Think they were growing to fast. They are ok now.
The webcam is Recording at 1pic every 30seconds, and plays back at 30fps in a movie.


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't put two plants in the same pot let alone 4! Damn. They would be much further alone if you hadn't planted them in the same pot. Here's one of my 3 week old plants for comparison.



Active Member
Should I move them?

I dont think the root system will be very big..

But I obviously don't want to kill them.


Well-Known Member
I can't help you there, if I tell you yes and you end up killing them you'd probably blame me. That choice is up to you. Would I do it? No because I would haven't planted them all in the same pot to begin with. :p


Active Member
You shouldn't put two plants in the same pot let alone 4! Damn.
I'm agreeing with mr2shim. You still have time to correct that if you want.

Take the cup and put it in a bucket of water with correct ph level.

Cut the cup down the side.

Slowly work the soil untill the plants seperate their roots.

Have new cups ready with wet soil in bottom.

Carefully fill in the cups and 'lightly" tamp the soil.

Rewater them.

Make sure the cups have holes for draining.

Grow Forth -


Active Member
Thanks for the help guys, Really appreciated it.
I will Try this Medicine4Me

Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Don't panic. You are only 3 weeks in.

It is almost impossible to transplant them now. They are toothpicks waiting for a stiff breeze to push them over.
I would grab the whole bunch and try to seperate one or 2 to pot individually. Maybe you can save some that way.
Or, just figure on keeping all 4 together. Then you just have to use braces and props to make sure they don't fall over.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Active Member
Hey guys, I transplanted the plants about 3 hours ago.

I think its a bit early to tell how they are going to turn out.

But I think they look better then before.

I am doing a bit of testing, I think the soil I had them in before was not draining well.
So This is new soil. and seems to drain well.

So I watered 2 right after moving them in to bigger pots.
and left 2 with no water till later.

here is what they are looking like.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I transplanted the plants about 3 hours ago.

I think its a bit early to tell how they are going to turn out.

But I think they look better then before.

I am doing a bit of testing, I think the soil I had them in before was not draining well.
So This is new soil. and seems to drain well.

So I watered 2 right after moving them in to bigger pots.
and left 2 with no water till later.

here is what they are looking like.
looks like you could stand to build up the soil a bit so they aren't so 'leggy', and get some more light in there so they don't keep stretching.


Well-Known Member
They should make it but will have some recovery time. Next time..more perlite.