Some Good News!


Active Member
It sounds nice and dandy but there are huge flaws in that. It should be the same as smoking..............same rules across the country, then there will be no trafficing. The way they wanna do it people will still make money illegaly on it. Then and only then can you say your country is free of people makin money on dope in amarica


Active Member
and you wont like it either when the corps get there hands on it and geneticly alter the strains so they spread the polen across the country and they own the gene patain on all the dope in the states...........just like they did with soy beans........sueing people for there farms and livly hoodse


Well-Known Member
Oh come on monsanto is a whole nother legal battle, you only have to worry about getting sued for your homestead over what soy beans you got, if you are harvesting said soy beans for market, if you are just a grower for personal that wont happen.