Some fairly noobish questions on MH / HPS Lighting Systems


I'm looking at a set like this one:
EXCEPT: with a wing reflector and NOT a cool tube - due to budget.

1. Once I receive this at my door, Is it simple plug and play?

2. Can I use both the MH and HPS bulbs with the same ballast? Just change the bulb correct?

3. Do these cause a noticeable change in your electric bill?

4. Do they produce a HUGGGEE amount of heat? (If there's not fan ventilation, but a huge open door and oscillating fans in a 4x4 room... would It be manageable?)

5. Are they really noisy? Can you sleep beside them?


Well-Known Member
It is simple.

You can use both.

Yes, your bill will go up.

About as much heat as a 400 watt heater.

You can sleep beside them if you don't mind being blinded by light while you try to sleep.

It's the inline fans that keep me awake.


Thanks for your reply.
I don't have too much a problem with the light, more the sound :(. But, due to my budget I can't have any inline fans this grow... I might be able to get one in towards the end hopefully :).


Well-Known Member
Yeah that light looks like a good one, good price too, yeah it says you can use hps/mh in it so i guess you can, As long as your room is vented and heat can get out it should be alright.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
in my avatar I was using a 400w in my pic with just a fan in closet, room, stayed at 84f in spring.

bill was $35 or $40 at 18/6.

My 400w ballast doesn't really make any noise? The heat from a 400w was not hot at all in my room, but did leave window open


Active Member
1. Once i receive this at my door, is it simple plug and play?


2. Can i use both the mh and hps bulbs with the same ballast? Just change the bulb correct?


3. Do these cause a noticeable change in your electric bill?

What do you consider "noticeable"? It's about $8 a month in my area for a 12 hour cycle.

4. Do they produce a hugggee amount of heat? (if there's not fan ventilation, but a huge open door and oscillating fans in a 4x4 room... Would it be manageable?)

You get heat from both the bulb and the ballast. Try to locate the ballast outside the grow area to cut down on heat issues. 400 watts isn't too bad on heat unless you live in a hot desert area.

5. Are they really noisy? Can you sleep beside them?

Digital ballasts are silent.


^That's what I'll probably get! :D
Any suggestions on the air filter/ would that diy work? or am I better of getting on for $120?? .. which probably won't be this time around/


Hey, that looks like a great deal... except they don't ship to canada! Then.. there was another one like that called iPower? ..same price - same everything and it even says FREE 2 day shipping! ... until you go to pay and all of a sudden shipping is $80! ugghhhh!!!

Guess I'm going to start looking at classifieds for a used setup :(

..I have $300 left for lights and ventilation (Was thinking to maybe a used 600w for $140 and then $150 on a 4"inch inline w/ carbon filter?)
Also What is a digital ballast vs non digital?