Some Droopy-Ass, Near-Dead-Looking Bitches


So I usually water my babies every 3 days. Was on a schedule, everything was good - they were looking great!

I was gonna go over my friend's place to water yesterday, but his parents decided to have some friends over. Who gives a fuck right? Problem was they didn't want us watering while the friends were over. Bad bad BAD idea. I like to keep to this watering schedule because - well - it FUCKING WORKS and I knew some shit was gonna happen if we detracted from it. Lo and fucking behold, I get over today to water them and hail fuckin mary - they're droopy as fuck, the once lusciously large leaves have shriveled to half their sizes (some were like 1/8), and I'm in a general state of fucking panic. I've put my HEART into these plants dude, and this kid's parents took a fat diarrhea dump all over my dream and nearly destroyed my plants because of the simple fact that they just COULDN'T (Oh jesus no) let me come in for HALF A FUCKIN HOUR to water. Now my bitches look completely fucked. I wish I had pics to show you but I didn't bring my cell to my friend's place. Anyway, this is due to drying out and MAYBE (I doubt it tho) combined with a little bit high temps - but not really.

I'm just wondering tho, has shit like this ever happened to you guys? And, much more fuckin importantly, did you get through it ok? I need to know if these bitches can survive I been at em for a month and a half now and it's simply not an option to start all the fuck over.

I googled around for a pic that looked like mine and this one fit the bill - at least for the one's I didn't top to get 4 colas

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They look like that only much smaller since they're only about 8 inches.


Well-Known Member
If yer growing at someone else's place, are you sure the plants are really yours? Sounds to me like you need your own grow room. Just water them and they'll be fine.


Active Member
Yeah it happens! as long as they aren't crispy crispy you should be good.....sometimes I forget to water my Mom?:sleep: I wake up the next morning, Like FUCK, WTF! get some water in her and she always perks back up....sounds like your schedule was only set back a day anyways couldn't have done that much damage? hopefully...but you should try a stay away from the wilt!


Yeah it happens! as long as they aren't crispy crispy you should be good.....sometimes I forget to water my Mom?:sleep: I wake up the next morning, Like FUCK, WTF! get some water in her and she always perks back up....sounds like your schedule was only set back a day anyways couldn't have done that much damage? hopefully...but you should try a stay away from the wilt!
For sure man! Well if that's the case and they'll perk right up that's awesome! I fed em their weekly grow big today too so hopefully that'll help the healing.

And yeah man I hate growing at another man's place but hey - he's the one with the light. :/


Well-Known Member
Plants get droopy when they are over watered or are thirsty, it's a great way to tell if your plants need water. However, who the fuck are you to get pissed at the people who's house you are growing in? Show some fucking respect for christ sake. These people are risking their home, their jobs and their freedom so you can grow those plants that you have put so much of yourself into. Next time grow your shit at your house instead of risking your friends parents and you wont have problems with your watering schedule.


Yea, I wouldn't want to go water someone else's plants anyway.... Because if they aren't at my house, they aren't really mine


I didn't get angry at em or anything. I'm relatively calm with people, and I understand what they're doing for me is a great thing - but by the same token, there's no point in their generosity if the plant's just fuckin die. So there needs to be some level of mutual cooperation. And TRUST me, I work around their schedule COMPLETELY. I set up the grow room, I paid for everything (except the light - so far my expenses are nearing a grand) and I generally just do the growing. All my friend has to do is give me a safe, reliable place to grow in. And they're all medical in that house, so there's no "freedom" being risked. Not to mention I'm paying them a "plant rent" for the utilities and the trouble.

But even then don't think I'm unappreciative. I'm very thankful for their cooperation. But I feel that if I put in my end, they should at the very LEAST allow me to do the very simple, quick task of watering the plants every three days. I don't think that's much to ask.