Some crazy shi* goes down in san andreas!!!

Muppets On Drugs

Active Member
Right now im sitting on my bed, watching the insanity unfold after i typed in that riot mode cheat for gta:sa. im lmaoing as people get carjacked and beaten in the street, as cops stride around like gangsters doing nothing.

if gta iv had riot mode, that would probably be the best thing.ever.

well since this is pretty pointless post any good memories you have from gta games.

ill post some later, im a lil drunk and high right now


Well-Known Member
sitting on top of buildings sniping people then the leos and blowing up the helicopters then jumping to my death


Well-Known Member
I just remember when me and my buddy were playing GTA the miami one I was givin' some mission bitch a ride on a street bike somewhere and I remember joking around saying "it'd be funny if I just went off this bridge I was driving on with this dude's chick". Not a second later I smack into a car, veer hella right, smack into the barrier and go into this INSANELY fast spin off the bridge all the while she's holding onto the back seat for dear life. 5 spins in she lets go and gets whipped off, then I fly off, mission failed, laughter ensued for minutes.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha riot mode was awesome in SA

if I had a ps2 still I would buy it again.They need to remake it.


Well-Known Member
I can't even count the number of times that I was in a car race and took a corner way too fast, ending up in the drink. I would put down the controller and begin to load the bong and then realize that I was drowning. I kept forgetting that CJ could swim!

Now here's a bad experience. The place I worked hired an asshole who was playing Vice City. I told him Vice City is good, but San Andreas is so much better. He talked me into letting him borrow San Andreas and I never saw it/him again.

Muppets On Drugs

Active Member
I remember once i was riding my bmx down the street, bunny hopped and did a stall on this grandma's car in redneck country. seconds later she got out and blasted me with a shotgun, instantly killing me.

Muppets On Drugs

Active Member
Now literally if the ballers see me, they go insane and start shooting. I've fucked with them so much they literally jump out of their cars to shoot me!no questions just on sight, going for the dome. too bad i was strapped 10 minutes off the plane and i always shoot first!


Well-Known Member
I loved the riot missions at the end of san andreas. They didn't even try to make it look like they weren't making fun of the Rodney King thing.

The best part of any grand threft auto is always running around fucking shit up and killin police.