SOME BOMB ;) 1st Grow White Widow & AUTO AK47


Active Member
Mee too bro im too excited! theres already more pistol sightings on ak.

ww hasnt shown sex yet, but i know its gonna show soon.

WHEN SHOULD I START THE LSTing of my plants?
i was thinking very very soon.

my cirtus seed has popped through the soil. :)

Ill prob update with pics tonight or tommarow.


Active Member
Happy Halloween :bigjoint:

Well, I have tied down my auto ak47. My WW hasnt shown sex yet, so im not gonna tie it down until it shows,which will hopefully be in the next week. Lets hope its a female!

Anyways We have a new member of the family, it sprouted last night, and its looking good today.

Got some pics of all 3 includin a pistol shot on my auto ak47.

I used nutes on Friday, they seem to be liking it. its an 24-8-16. <-- Idk if thats better for vegg or flower, but i know that the nitrogen level is high.

Are my nutes good for flowering?



Well-Known Member
Hey dude, are you using 12/12 light cycle to grow auto-flowering strains ? you know that it's not recommended right ?


Active Member
yeah bruh i knoww. It decreases yield. but, im LSTing.

Fuck that grow cabnet man anyways, I put them back in my closet because there is only 4" of growing space with those pots.

With my closet, i have white walls which i heard really good on the reflection of light
I can grow taller plants, and get more bud. :mrgreen:

My next grow is definatley not going to be 12/12, because I wanna get oz's a plant man lol. Now that i have my ak47 in the closet, i can get at the most an OZ.

My white widow hasnt shown sex yet... its day 24 on 12/12 im sure it will show in the next few days

The citrus is definatley looking like an indica strain, the 2 first leaves are really fat. so thats a good thing :)

Please give me some feedback!



Active Member
Haha well i knew this was gonnna happen again, and i knew i had to be ready for it. well, i noticed that the leaves on my plant were really close to the light and then when i was in the living room, i had this feeling that my auto ak47 was in trouble! idkkk. it was like in my guttt. and then when i opened my closet, the light was compltetley on the plant smothering it, i gasped like i got shot or something haha. picked up the light and it was fine :bigjoint: but it did have a lil leaf burn nothing major thank good :) im sure its already recovered, ill take some pic right now of it, its looking good.

:leaf:1st Pic
Cirtus - Doesnt it Look Like a indica?
:leaf:2nd Pic
Auto Ak47- Day 25 - a lil leaf burn from its incident, but you can barley see any damage - in this pic, you can see 2 colas, but on my plant there is about 4 colas total, so thats good(:
:leaf:3rd Pic
White Widow - Which is Feminized, however, it hasnt shown sex. Its Day 24 approximately, and its been 12/12 since seed. So Im wondering if its a female cuz it hasnt shown sex, and males tend to show sex earlier then females.



Active Member
this is my thoughts the WW is still way to immature to be in 12/12 lighting and youll prally endup with a hermaphrodite. the ww and citrus will grow much faster under 24hrs light, i am so impressed with that auto 47 to show sex so fast completely unbelievable, learn something new everyday.

most strains you dont want to induce flowering until they show a preflower a sign of matureaty and indicte sex.

Auto 47 looks good

As is said just my thoughts


Active Member
im thinking the same way man. I shoulda jus vegged 18/6, but i moved it into a cabnet, and i thought that was gonna be the final spot. however, i moved them back into the closet, for more grow space. like i said my next grow, ima do it the right way with 18/6 for a month and then 12/12. however, i have seen some 12/12 from seed with normal strains, and they came out succesful :)

WHAT IF I SWITCHED TO 18/6, would it shock the plants?


Active Member
Well, I had doubt in this white widow for some strange reason, even though it was feminized.

I checked it today, and I noticed pistols at it's upcoming node. I'm confirming it as a female :) wow well that's a good ratio definatley. 2 out of 3 plants are females, why the other one is almost 2 weeks old.

Will post pics once my Internet is working! I have hella bud porn ;) I'm writing this on my iPhone. So I can't post them. I hella wanna show you guys already.


Active Member
Well havent posted pics in a while. Gots lot of photos for you :)

1st Pic-Lowlife AK47 WEEK 4:leaf:
2nd Pic-Lowlife AK47 Week 3 Colas:leaf:
3rd Pic -Lowlife Ak47 Main COLA:leaf:
4th Pic- Second Cola:leaf:
5th Pic- Third Cola:leaf:

6th pic- White Widow (FEMALE) :bigjoint: Showed Sex yesterday:leaf:
7th Pic-White Widow Pistol Sights:leaf:

8th Pic- Day 9 Citrus Kush.

My auto ak47 has 4 total colas, and 2 more coming out of some nodes, so were looking at 6-8 colas :)

White Widow is a female, i cant beleive it. i will grow and smoke amsterdams greatest seller in coffee shops :bigjoint:

Citrus Kush has doubled in size, and shes looking really healthy, cant wait for some of that indica smoke :)



Well-Known Member
looking great bro.. I can't wait to move to bigger apartment, I'll be able to get a bigger grow box and will allow me to grow some WW..


Active Member
Everything is going Swell. I am very proud to see LST working both of my plants to get multiple colas. you can see that i have 6 colas on my auto ak47 and in the third pic you can see a couple more coming!! I am halfways thru my Auto Ak47 grow:bigjoint: haha I believe it takes 60 days seed to harvest? well, im not going to pull her at day 60, im gonna pull her a prob a week after day 60 so i can get that couchlock:bigjoint:

I was also considering in the last days of my LOWLIFE ak47s life, to put ice packs around the stems to create purple on some of the bud and leaves? :leaf: Is that possible, i read it somewhere on this thread.

My white widow is a late bloomer but she is starting to create multiple colas out of main stem :) I loveee ittt.

My citrus is looking really healthy, hope shes a female :bigjoint:

Last couple pics are of some Jack Herer I picked up last night:bigjoint: Some real creeper :)

