Some Beginner Q's Before I Start (Using a PC Tower+CFL with White Widow)

Hello Rollitup, l've been reading through this website for a while now, lots of helpful information here!

Anyways, l'm looking to save some $$ by making my own little plants, but l just want to confirm a few things.

First, l'll be using White Widow seeds l bought. I saw that it's a good plant for beginners (although apparently it's gonna stink).

Next, I read that l'll need to germinate the seeds so they have a better chance of growing. I'm going to use the technique where you put the seed in water that was microwaved for 30 seconds, then move it inbetween a moist paper towel in a container for about a day. I'll be using this as a guide:

I'll be using these posts to make sure l plant the seeds correctly, too:

I'll be making the box with this tutorial (once l find a tower, that is):

So, l just have a few Q's before l start.

1. What should l grow the seeds in? Can l just use styrofoam/plastic cups with a drain hole poked into the bottom of the cup to put the seeds in?

2. How deep do l bury the seeds? I heard l should just poke a tiny hole and put the seed in.

3. What type of substrate should l plant them in? I've heard people recommend Premier Pro-Mix. And should l first soak the substrate in water, let it drain then plant the seed?

4. Do l switch light cycles when the plant starts growing too close to the top of the box?

5. I read l should only water the plants when the substrate is dry about 3 inches down. Should l use a spray bottle, or pour a little bit of water in?

6. How bad will the White Widow smell? I live alone so my room/closet danking of the herb won't bug me; l just don't want people to walk by my place and smell it, haha.

Thanks for reading/answering in advance, l've learned so much from this site! I'll try to post pics when l get this badboy started.


Active Member
first off, im giving you rep for the simple reason that you seem to have done your reading. the number of first timers that come here and ask questions that you could answer yourself in 5 minutes by doing abit of reading is dumbfounding. and VERY annoying since the answers are already provided in stickies so respect for doing it properly :)

So, l just have a few Q's before l start.

1. What should l grow the seeds in? Can l just use styrofoam/plastic cups with a drain hole poked into the bottom of the cup to put the seeds in?
i started mine in plastic beer cups with holes in the bottom and a little perlite to help with drainage. worked wonders for me.
tho bare in mind there shouldnt be much of a need for Much drainage to begin with as they dont need that much water to get started.

2. How deep do l bury the seeds? I heard l should just poke a tiny hole and put the seed in.
my own method is make a hole with my pinky finger just upto the first knuckle. again, works for me.

3. What type of substrate should l plant them in? I've heard people recommend Premier Pro-Mix. And should l first soak the substrate in water, let it drain then plant the seed?
sorry but im leaving this one to someone else. to much to say on the subject.

4. Do l switch light cycles when the plant starts growing too close to the top of the box?
this would be a mistake. plants grow alot during flower. with my current grow, each plant has grown at least 9inchs in two weeks of flowering.

5. I read l should only water the plants when the substrate is dry about 3 inches down. Should l use a spray bottle, or pour a little bit of water in?
this is a good method. tho some people swear blind that lifting the pot to check weight is the best method. i use both.
also id pour. being a begineer, foliar feeding would be very easy to mess up and damage the plants. not to mention the danger of getting your lights wet and everything blowing up in your face.

6. How bad will the White Widow smell? I live alone so my room/closet danking of the herb won't bug me; l just don't want people to walk by my place and smell it, haha.
cant answer this one as i havnt grown that strain. (tho its on the possible list for next time)

hope i could be of help.
Awesome, thanks for answering most of the questions and for the help! I'm pretty sure l can find thr substrate answer in the newb FAQ. I'll just have to read through it and see what works best bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
sorry but im leaving this one to someone else. to much to say on the subject.
Buy some quality standard potting compost. Buy a small bag, maybe 10l of perlite.

Mix 30% perlite 70% compost for seedlings in small pots.

When planting on to larger pots you can reduce the perlite by 10% and add some vermicast (worm castings) into the mix.

alternatively, try using some 'Bio-bizz All mix' if its local. That can take you all the way through the grow, with a bit of feeding.


Active Member
1. What should l grow the seeds in? Can l just use styrofoam/plastic cups with a drain hole poked into the bottom of the cup to put the seeds in?

A plastic dixie cup works great, yes poke a few holes in the bottom for good drainage and I usually put a small layer of perlite on the bottom and then my soil/perlite mix on top to ensure good drainage (don't want to rot your seed/roots due to poor drainage)

2. How deep do l bury the seeds? I heard l should just poke a tiny hole and put the seed in.

3/16 inch below the soil top is a good depth.

3. What type of substrate should l plant them in? I've heard people recommend Premier Pro-Mix. And should l first soak the substrate in water, let it drain then plant the seed?

I have only used soil, Fox Farms Light Warrior for seed and then switch to Fox Farms Ocean Forest when you transplant from dixie cup to pot in a few weeks. When I plant the seed in the soil, I then water thoroughly (till water starts to drain out of the bottom of the cup). Then I let it get totally dry before watering again (about 4 days w/lights and fan on 24/0).

4. Do l switch light cycles when the plant starts growing too close to the top of the box?

I'm still vegging my plant, but have read the plant will double in size after you switch to flower, so if space is limited (I'm doing a cfl rubbermaid grow) veg till it gets half as high as you have space for then switch to flower. Also check out LST'ing as this is a way to increase yield in small vertical spaces. Here's a link to some info that I found helpful: and

5. I read l should only water the plants when the substrate is dry about 3 inches down. Should l use a spray bottle, or pour a little bit of water in?

I pour water in until it drains from the bottom. You don't want mud though. Us newbs have a tendency to over water and love our girls to death, so don't stress allowing the soil to get super dry. If you underwater the plant will look droopy and if you water it, it perks up very quickly. If you over water, the plant looks droopy and you have to wait and hope it will dry out/recover. Here's good info on this too:

6. How bad will the White Widow smell? I live alone so my room/closet danking of the herb won't bug me; l just don't want people to walk by my place and smell it, haha.

It doesn't sound like you're in an enclosed set up w/exhaust fans, carbon filters, etc. If you aren't using a carbon filter, then one thing I've heard (but not tried) for small grows is Ona Gel. Here's a link and maybe others can tell you if it works. I know it's sold at my local grow shop which is a reputable place:

----One last thing. Seriously...I think germination techniques have been made overly complicated. I tried 4 different methods (paper towel; cup of water soaking until the seeds sunk; soak in water 24 hrs then plant; or just plant the damn seed in the soil/water and let it germinate in the soil) and the easiest and most successful was just plant the seed in soil (3/16" down), water, sit inside your grow area w/no light for 4 days, then turn the lights on and wait for sprout. You don't risk accidentally breaking the tap root when transplanting into dixie cup, etc. I've rotted seeds the other 3 ways, so just an opinion. You'll read a million other opinions, but as a newb I was looking for the "least risky" way to germinate. It worked fine no problem.

Good luck!
Moebius, thank you for telling me an awesome mixture, l'll try that out! Fortunately, l already have an unopened bag of perlite, score.

Zat, thanks for answering all those questions and including links! I'll definitely check out those links you provided when l get off work.

And thanks for the heads up on snake oil, Bones, l'll look into that, too.

Thanks again everyone for answering my questions, it really helped out. I'll make sure to post when l get everything going!
Hey all, thanks again for your help. So l should be beginning soon, l just picked up Canna Aqua Vega and Canna Aqua Flores for nutes and whatnot during both the veg. And flowering stages.

*The person at the store helped me pick it out, but was this a mistake since l'm not doing the water system? Will these still be good for nutes?*

Thanks again.