Some advices for my first grow?


I want to start my first grow (indoor).
What type of light should i buy? (i intend to use a 250w hps light).
Is really necessary an air ventilation system for 2 or 3 plants? (i intend to place them in a normal room).

What should i buy for my first grow?


Well-Known Member
All I can say is K.I.S.S.
Keep it simple stupid.

1st grows should be a learning experience @ a low cost.

Once you got some personal knowledge under your belt...Then you can move up to a more advance system of growing.

Be a dirt farmer for your 1st, 2nd or etc grow. Much more forgiving than any type of Hydro.

Learn to walk before you run.

What should you buy...hmmm
Tell us what method of growing you want to do and the cost.

Then we can give you what you would need for that method of grow.

What is your dream?


New Member
Well, you have already seen the video thread. I would suggest reading, studying, planning, and acting before you spend any money. There are a ton of things to be considered, but 2 tons of info on RIU to help.

By all means Ringsixty had good good words. Start very simply... a premium organic soil, some inert perlite, and a simple nutrient regimen. Changes can always be made later. But it is important to get a successful grow under your belt first. The best buzz you will EVER get is the first hit off your own budz!


Well-Known Member
I'm new in growing...
I just wanna grow something that makes some buds:)
roses are nice. come back and tell us your plan, and we'll help you with it. it sounds like you have a lot of homework to do, and that, young Skywalker is the start of any good grow. or any endeavor for that matter. talk to ya soon!


Well-Known Member
If i were you, (and i recently was) I would go CFL for my first grow. Theyre cheap and dont produce hardly any heat, but will get the job done fine for 2-3 plants.

youd want to light the plant up at every angle, starting with 1 bulb and eventually probably needing 3-5 for the entire adult plant. Have them about 2 inches away from the plant though, to reduce stretching.

also this pdf file of this book helped me a lot for my first grow. its takes you virtually day by day through the process. Im sure you can find it on google and download it as i did.
its called "marijuana buds for less"

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I want to start my first grow (indoor).
What type of light should i buy? (i intend to use a 250w hps light).
Is really necessary an air ventilation system for 2 or 3 plants? (i intend to place them in a normal room).

What should i buy for my first grow?
Yes you will need air ventilation and exchange, with odor control well in mind for later on. Even one flowering plant will make itself known all throughout the house!!!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I woudln't worry about the cool tube if you're gonna have them in an open room. Just get a GOOD reflector and blow some air across the tops with an oscillating fan. Odor control will be a much higher priority.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I'd use a 1K, just one bulb. Take your pick of MH or HPS. Other than that I dont know what to tell ya. I WAS in Batteries plus the other day and saw a really high output CFL in the 5000k range, AND they have 1K MH bulbs for $30!!!!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Get some good basic potting soil (with no nutes in it) you can get tyhos at any garden center or nursery, and get some Espoma Bio Tone starter plus ( ) and their Bone meal. Mix the BioTone in the soil according to directions for vegging, and a couple weeks before you flip them, top dress some Bone meal and scratch that in. Keeping it simple your first grow is a good way to get some knowledge in the areas of Biology, plant physiology and Botany.
There are certainly many other amendments I would use, but save all the other stuff for later grows. This will get you thru the first one easily and simply, and will give you some grreat bud to whet your appetite!!!


Active Member
Just grab a 400W HPS with digital ballast for first grow. 400W won't need am air cooled hood if you have good fans blowing around the room.