some advice greatly needed please


Active Member
Hi people. In after some sound advice.

Im into my 4th week veg with theses cheese x kush. Ph 6.0 air temp between 72 and 80f, ec at 1.0. 600w powerplant bulb.

Can some one tell me what's wrong with this cheese? Got 5 total but this one leaves look different

all advice greatly received


Active Member
IMHO I think it could just be that plant, if the others are ok i would not worry to much. The grow looks healthy, even the plant in question looks healthy although diferent. atb tcd


Active Member
they seem fine to me. even though they are the same strain the plants can all look different. some may take after the sativa and some may take after indica. some may have more of the mother in them and some may have more of the father. its all in the genes. dont stress bro there fine