Solving the age-old question

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Aaaand I'm talking about the most efficient way to smoke your weed :D
Can the RIU-graybeards remember if somebody here made a thread on doing their own personal studies about this?
I mean like consuming the exact same amount in exact same circumstances with different smoking methods and seeing which one got you the best high?
If not, I might as well test that :D :eyesmoke: vs. bongsmilie and so on


Global Moderator
Staff member
Results are entirely subjective and will vary with the individual and environmental factors.

For example: To flush or not to flush before harvest.


Well-Known Member
From what I've read, the most efficient way to smoke weed is to burn it with fire and then inhale the resulted smoke into your lungs.


Well-Known Member
The douchebag-percentage in this thread is too damn high!
You are the majority having 4 of 11 so far.

Go get yourself a nice bong and pack it with warm water, and call it lava hits. Or if your climate provides pack some snow. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
The douchebag-percentage in this thread is too damn high!
This thread wouldn't exist if you had just used the search box. You ask a basic question that has been answered 1000x over, and you'll get some shit here. Pretty much like everywhere else in the world where you ask for info that you can easily acquire yourself. Your laziness doesn't inspire us to assist you.
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