Solved a 4 year grow problem... EUREKA!


Well-Known Member
I used to never have a problem when i first started growing years ago, seeds grew fast and green yeilding handfulls of high grade bud. I upgraded with all the money i wasnt spending on bud before finally stopping because it was starting to get out of hand (and i was seriously messed up being so high for so long :-) ).

I restarted growing about a year ago and suffered small stunted plants and that dreaded purple stuff which as a grower ive learnt is not genetic or good. Purseverance and patience has got me too a very good point with my plants and they look good for all the adjustments money and time ive given them... BUT the original problems still vexed me.

At a complete loss from trying everything and at a stage where your wondering if God has other plans for you than growing bucket loads of primo bud it hit me, whilst looking at pictures of my old veg tent, that i use to use those crappy computer fans pointed just at my t5 and t8 flourescents instead of the big desk fan i made them redundant for.

At first i switched of my fan for 24hours, total mistake as temps shot up to 28/29 and my plants wilted. Then i pointed it directly at my lights so it was not throwing a breeze over my plants and no leaves were moving in the wind.

Well couple days later and theres no new purple, leaves have gone from dark to light and i can barely see the rockwool cubes for the massive and unbelievable new roots they have all grown.

I never ever thought id solve this slight problem and cant believe how a simple desk fan was basically screwing my plants over. It wasnt even that strong a breeze and a year of fighting against it too.

Somtimes its the dumb simple things that make all the difference and as a grower im so annoyed that i didnt catch on to this when i first got the fan setup but over the moon i had the paticience to keep on popping seeds every week for a whole year, never bothering to flower them, and finally finally finally got back to where i use to be.

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I dont use a fan on the plants, I do point it at the light though. There is air circulation in the room, just not on the plant and I've never had a weak stem, always straight and hard lol.


Well-Known Member
Fans at the plants are important for stem strength...
This thread has nothing to do with stem thickness, if you want to make this point please attach a study that correlates this.

I dont use a fan on the plants, I do point it at the light though. There is air circulation in the room, just not on the plant and I've never had a weak stem, always straight and hard lol.
Totally with you, no need to have a fan pointed on plants but lets keep that between us as some seem to swear it makes stems thicker (without checking on the science first!).

Anyway im just over the moon its made such a difference to my plants and have solved why it looks water stressed all the time

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)


Well-Known Member
I used to never have a problem when i first started growing years ago, seeds grew fast and green yeilding handfulls of high grade bud. I upgraded with all the money i wasnt spending on bud before finally stopping because it was starting to get out of hand (and i was seriously messed up being so high for so long :-) ).

I restarted growing about a year ago and suffered small stunted plants and that dreaded purple stuff which as a grower ive learnt is not genetic or good. Purseverance and patience has got me too a very good point with my plants and they look good for all the adjustments money and time ive given them... BUT the original problems still vexed me.

At a complete loss from trying everything and at a stage where your wondering if God has other plans for you than growing bucket loads of primo bud it hit me, whilst looking at pictures of my old veg tent, that i use to use those crappy computer fans pointed just at my t5 and t8 flourescents instead of the big desk fan i made them redundant for.

At first i switched of my fan for 24hours, total mistake as temps shot up to 28/29 and my plants wilted. Then i pointed it directly at my lights so it was not throwing a breeze over my plants and no leaves were moving in the wind.

Well couple days later and theres no new purple, leaves have gone from dark to light and i can barely see the rockwool cubes for the massive and unbelievable new roots they have all grown.

I never ever thought id solve this slight problem and cant believe how a simple desk fan was basically screwing my plants over. It wasnt even that strong a breeze and a year of fighting against it too.

Somtimes its the dumb simple things that make all the difference and as a grower im so annoyed that i didnt catch on to this when i first got the fan setup but over the moon i had the paticience to keep on popping seeds every week for a whole year, never bothering to flower them, and finally finally finally got back to where i use to be.

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
I could not clone for 6 months, no matter how hard I tried. It is nice to see over the hump lol.