Solo Cup Challange v2.0

I have a 6x12 room with 7 foot tall plants that’s cleaner than your 2x2

get it together dude.
This is Ghetto Glory over here!!! As long as my plants are good I could care less about what it looks like in there... DUDE...
55 Days Since Flip
I’m surprised this thing isn’t behind schedule compared to normal. It went straight from the cloner into the flower tent lol. Im also surprised I never had to water twice in a day.


edit: It should be done in 15 days, I’ve ran this cut many times now.
Made my 1st capsules today. Been a long time coming. Believe it shoud be between 10 and 15 mg, so i might need a 2nd. We shall see in an hour. Used an oz or slightly over(no scale here)decarbed with MCT oil and Sunflower Lecithin. I made 2 cups which should fill just under 1,100 size 00 capsules. Hopefully it doesn't take more than 2 at a time to be enjoyable.
The LAST thing you want to do is call a black man a boy... I'm out for real this time...
I learned this lesson. I was like 17 and called everyone boy at the time. I was sent to rehab and I said it to a black kid there. He got mad, and then I realized why it was offensive to him. I just wasn't thinking like that, but I get it. It was a habit though and so I said it a couple more times. He understood that I wasn't a racist and we were friends, but he reported me. I don't think I called him boy again. Maybe once, but it's hard breaking habits like that.
I learned this lesson. I was like 17 and called everyone boy at the time. I was sent to rehab and I said it to a black kid there. He got mad, and then I realized why it was offensive to him. I just wasn't thinking like that, but I get it. It was a habit though and so I said it a couple more times. He understood that I wasn't a racist and we were friends, but he reported me. I don't think I called him boy again. Maybe once, but it's hard breaking habits like that.
Calling someone boy is racist?
And to think I looked up to you cats... Y'all are lame as fuck to me, crying like some bitches about a plant in a coffee container in a solo cup challenge that the host invited me to... Why aren't you complaining about him inviting me... All you Kens need to go find y'all Karens...