Solid calcium organique Growing additif


I’m looking for an organic solid calcium additif to ad in the soil.

I seen oysters shell or dolomites lime but i don’t find one 100% organic that can be ship to Europe.
I can't find any of the 2 available in contry :(

do you things that can’t use that in my soil ?

Chick'N Deluxe® CALCIUM BOOSTER 4Kg.Oyster shell laying hens. Natural mineral product rich in calcium, stimulates egg laying, strengthens the eggshell.
I can't find any of the 2 available in contry :(

do you things that can’t use that in my soil ?

Chick'N Deluxe® CALCIUM BOOSTER 4Kg.Oyster shell laying hens. Natural mineral product rich in calcium, stimulates egg laying, strengthens the eggshell.
They don't have chickens or chicken eggs in your country? Seems weird....
gypsum is fast acting. egg shells, washed, oven dried and ground up into a powder work too.
the gypsum or calcium sulphate, is finer and therefore more redaly absorbed into liquid and therefore , quick to be absorbed into your plants
use 2 1/2 oz per usa gallon of water, and give each plant one or two capfulls