Sol-Skin, let the journey begin...

I was more thinking if its got channels. To have the 5000k as the veg side. And 3000k as the flower side.

4000k peaks about the same in both red and blue.
Equal amounts of 3000 and 4000 should give you an average cct of 3500k which we know grows, during veg you would run 4000k hard and underdrive 3000k giving you a blue peak around 3800K, some red but not significant, when you flip, reverse the mix to get down to 3200k and then punch in the 660's. Off course you can could run a 5000k,2700k scenario as well which widens the blue/red spectral range, all are possible
Equal amounts of 3000 and 4000 should give you an average cct of 3500k which we know grows, during veg you would run 4000k hard and underdrive 3000k giving you a blue peak around 3800K, some red but not significant, when you flip, reverse the mix to get down to 3200k and then punch in the 660's. Off course you can could run a 5000k,2700k scenario as well which widens the blue/red spectral range, all are possible

So is there some kind of waitlist? :wink: Will there be any options to get some far red in there?
Boards are resistor loaded for current balancing, no issues with mixed vf bins of different leds so no current hogging
Only resistors at each string or does the board have some kind of current balace/mirror circuit? Do they have an over-current protection or resettable breakers/fuses?
Only resistors at each string or does the board have some kind of current balace/mirror circuit? Do they have an over-current protection or resettable breakers/fuses?

You can have all those features... but are you willing to pay the extra $10-20 a board to make it happen?
Only resistors at each string or does the board have some kind of current balace/mirror circuit? Do they have an over-current protection or resettable breakers/fuses?
The board has resistors that current balance the circuit, these balance out the led forward voltage
fired up board #1

face burner
just did a live test with 3 boards, around 500 watts, up on instagram for 24 hours instagram name is weledlight
Is the housing model for 1 board or the 3 in series you mentioned?
Looks like it was designed with convection currents in mind for passive.