Soil without cooking?

One last question. Do u need a base soil to mix this into or is this the actual soil. Sorry I'm a super noob when it comes to organics. I started with FFOF and fox farms nutes. Trying to move away from that.

Do not go buy bags of fox farm as this is what we're trying to replace. They're ridiculously over priced and the ingredients sourced are sub par quality. That's why they sell their bottled line, so when your soil web dies in 3 weeks you can start pouring the Chems all over them. Make your own base soul for a fraction of the price. Very simple, one part compost, one part peat moss,one part lava rock and you have a solid base soil. To each cu ft of base soil that you make add the recommended amounts (above) of amendments and minerals..A cu ft of base soil costs me around 8$ after all the amendments and minerals and such its around 15$. The thing is, it will last forever.

Any idea where I can find neem? Also what would you say is best for aeration? Thanks for the info btw.

I source my Neem online. You can go to or

I personally use Neem resource because they're located in Michigan and give me a break on shipping for living close.

I would advise using something porous like pumus or lava rock for aeration. You can also throw some biochar in it to aerate it. All of these things like I said, are porous and give the microbes a nice place to nestle in. Like forte said, don't use perlite, no advantages other than light weight aeration.

I personally use a mix of rice hulls and lava rock because I can't get my hands on pumus.
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A huge game changer. I was using oat bran, which worked fine, but the barley blows it out of the water. I use a mixture of red wigglers and European night crawlers in my pots and my worm bin. They coexist excellent with each other and each have their own advantages. The red wigglers will not burrow past 4 inches below the soil line whereas the night crawlers will go down to 12 inches. I highly recommend using both

Just received 1.5kg red wrigglers to go with my ENC's...................buzzing, let the munching commence.
A huge game changer. I was using oat bran, which worked fine, but the barley blows it out of the water. I use a mixture of red wigglers and European night crawlers in my pots and my worm bin. They coexist excellent with each other and each have their own advantages. The red wigglers will not burrow past 4 inches below the soil line whereas the night crawlers will go down to 12 inches. I highly recommend using both
I've been using 6-row barley. According to CC it has the most enzymes. I was going to buy European Nightcrawlers, but went with African Nightcrawlers. I have my african nightcrawlers mixed with red wigglers, and from observation the african nightcrawlers produce more castings than red wigglers. When I only had my red wigglers, it took longer to get castings, and now that I've added ANC my bin has way more castings. They are very voracious.
And you want to buy sphagnum peat moss, not peat moss. You can buy that at home depot (3cf for like $13). Go with the premier brand, if they don't have that, then sunshine will do.
I like coco as a base over peat moss. Anyone doing a coco based no till with red wigglers?
I've been using 6-row barley. According to CC it has the most enzymes. I was going to buy European Nightcrawlers, but went with African Nightcrawlers. I have my african nightcrawlers mixed with red wigglers, and from observation the african nightcrawlers produce more castings than red wigglers. When I only had my red wigglers, it took longer to get castings, and now that I've added ANC my bin has way more castings. They are very voracious.

2 row, 6 row it doesn't matter. I've had the same exact results with both.

I get castings way faster with night crawlers in my bins. Especially when you supply enzymes, they help out a lot