soil vs hydro


Well-Known Member
The ec for soil feedings is probably higher than 2.4 just because the soil is a buffer. The only way to figure out is experiment with a strain like you did with yours and see what it will stand without burning but it can only use what it can in either.


Active Member
Of course you would be able to raise the salt concentration in soil, but if your plant reponds bad then you would flush some out. Just like hyrdo.


Active Member
The ec for soil feedings is probably higher than 2.4 just because the soil is a buffer. The only way to figure out is experiment with a strain like you did with yours and see what it will stand without burning but it can only use what it can in either.


Well-Known Member
Thats why I can't do multi strains like so many others I have enough trouble dialing one in and getting it right. I have been doing blackjack for 6 mos now. It likes 2700 ppm in flowering yook me a while to keep pushing it and see what it would take. But once ya get it right. It's on


Active Member
daaaaaaaaamn! bet those girls can produce though right...i have a Indica/Sativa hybrid i work with that likes it close to 18 and i get scared to go higher than that, but she puts out.


Well-Known Member
just have to watch when a plant shits, when ya make them take in too much they burn or empty back out into the res


Active Member
If this is your first grow, I would suggest using soil man. Hydroponics isn't really something you just put together and bam its going good. Plants are more fragile to nutes and a bunch of shit. You can grow super dank bud in either lol and soil is a whole lot less hassle...

In my opinion anyway..


Well-Known Member
Hydro yields a better product. It's more potent and will give you a heavier crop. Soil can be comparable in quality but it really takes an expert to do so.


Active Member
I've grown from my first grow with hydro Nft an ionic nutes with hammerhead for late flowering no ppm meter but i worked out how many drops of acid to add to 2 litres of water for good ph an got 5-6 ozs dry from one plant! Just go easy on nutes and keep an eye on how the plants respond. Having more control makes it easier as long as u do the reading and use Lst or some other method to improve yield.


Active Member
and use Lst or some other method to improve yield.
Low stress training improves yield too? I've never used the method and I'm new to this but I thought LST simply made your plant "smaller" and closer to the ground (more out of sight)

Or does the change in position of the plant give it light in more areas?


Well-Known Member
they are both good!! with hydro you are gonna cut some time off your cycle and more than likely add to your yield. soil is forgiving and in my opinion bud grown in soil has a better earthy taste so long as your not using miracle grow. dont get me wrong tho I would grow hydro over soil any day of the week just saying they both have there place at the moment i'm in sunshine mix and loveing it but it doesn't compare to my hydro grows.


hello mate. if you dont mind risking killing a crop or making mistakes doing hydro then do that the first time. if ya not willing to take any risks its alot lot easier in soil to atleast get a harvest and learn about plants. Tune into hydro and research\use a strain thats well documented in a journal and its possible to get massive yields tho..then again with that said, if space isnt an problem soil grows chuck out more than enough tasty ganja for personal and more. i guess it depends what you are looking to get out of your first grow and if you can follow nute scheduals..its defo much more important to get nutes right in hydro.

well whatever way ya grow..imho the weed is free and if done right the weed is nice. tastes very strain from strain anyways but soil seems smoother and like michojay said it can be earthy..its no less potent than hydro thats for sure :)

good luck

btw. LST does kinda lower the plant. By bending and using ties on the branches its possible to get the plant closer to the light. I got some fat buds real low down with a minor bit of lst. pics in thread or gallery somewhere..but just search LST and loads of peeps use it


what about Dutch Pots with hydro pebbles and coco 50/50 with Canna Nutes? 1k hps im only growing for self 3 plant harvest every 30 - 35 days my goal is 2-3 oz. dry per plant
which should be more than enough for my self is this goal achievable on a first time grow?


Active Member
Yeah for sure scars, thank you, I know exactly what LST is I'm just dumb and wasn't thinking about how that would make your nugs a lot fatter and denser with extra light on it.

You can achieve the same thing from just putting extra lights lower on your plant can you not? LST is dope n all that I'm just trying to be real gentle with my first few babies.


Active Member
absolutly possible, but never underestimate the power of first grow gave me 3 ounces per plant.....wet. Tightened up my grow, used better soil, bigger containers, better nutes, more airflow, and more light. The next harvest...pretty much the same. Buddy threw me a clone of "power plant" and GOOD GOD!!! Never seen so much bud! ....not sure which strain your choosing but with 1000 watts on 3 plants... if your strain is able and your technique is ok you should have no problem achieving these results.


Active Member
All lighting/air being equal it's the skill of the grower and genetics that determine potency. I would recommend Hydro to people first learning how to grow. I've found it easier to control one nutrient tank than many individual plants in soil that can each have their own problems. Hydro requires a lot of attention, it's not a 'Set the timers and forget about it' system like the Mr. Green Video would show you etc... Hope comes off your pump and they miss a couple of feedings, they really show it. As someone else indicated, you just have to feed with caution as the consequences of your actions in hydro are quicker seen and more profound.

But some of the best dope I've smoked has been grown each way, can't really tell the difference if it was grown and cured well.