Soil to Hydro?


Active Member
Hey is there any way or is it possible or even healthy to transfer a plant that has been flowering for 2 weeks into a hydro set up? if so how would i do this? the plant is currently around a foot tall and in soil, i just got a hydro kit tho and was wondering if i could transfer it over as it is quite beautiful :)


Well-Known Member
Clone it, At a foot tall it is so rooted that you would spend the same time recovering the plant from shock, if it makes it, then flowering the 25 clones you can take from her.


Active Member
i heard its bad to take clones from a flowering plant tho is this true? idk it is a very very healthy little lady tho, she had a couple problems growing up with nutriant imbalances and PH fluctuations but i fixed it all and shes a bright beautiful green all over now :)