Soil To Bubble ponics transfer stresses plant


Well-Known Member
I bought a plant that was one month old and about 5 inches tall in soil and transfered it to hydro(bubbleponics). only two roots made it through the net/basket and into the water. I raised the water level just above the net/basket by the mass of roots in the hydroton, and its remained green or greener like they do in hydro, but the growth has remained stunned for as long as I've experienced (2 weeks). will a plant live until it grows a sufficient root system for itself? the two roots that are in the water are getting bigger but it is always in the wilt position.


New Member
hmm, well, yeah, I would expect that when transferring from soil to a stealth hydro system. Just off the top of my head, without seeing pics, I would say it has a 50/50 chance of living. I wouldnt kill it intentionally though. Just wait it out. Its probably putting all its energy into trying to figure out why ANYONE would buy from Stealth Hydro.

J/K.. sort of... Its probably putting its energy into growing roots.


Well-Known Member
I think ur right. im using my own bubbleponics system since thats wats worked for me but ur right, the stuff from stealth hydro sucks! haha...

I guess I'll just wait it out for a while, thats about all I can do anyway...I think it actually might survive this...If it does, u know im not waitng to take clones!.


New Member
yeah man, I always assume 'bubbleponics' is a SH system. Let me know if your plant makes it =)


Well-Known Member
It might survive VERY stressful. In soil plants make little root "hairs" these wick up moisture and nutes but in hydroponic plants that have root immersed in the nutrient solution (like in bubbleponic set ups) do not develop these root hairs they don't need them. So the problem is the roots have become specialized in soil to do different jobs so when you put em in a hydro set up they get a shock and the root hairs have to go away. So it is possible to transplant from soil to hydro but a plant would die if you transplanted it from hydro to soil. So it will probably make it after some major transplant shock it would have been better to leave it in the soil veg it out and take cuttings for your hydro system. But good luck man make sure that you are running a low PPM and not overfeeding during this period. Also you might want to add some H2O2 to help sterilize the solution because soil contains a lot living microbes that you don't want in a hydro system.


Well-Known Member
I took two clones that rooted and the original plant is still stressing... Imma kill it but now its all good since the clones rooted. thanks for the support guys !!