Soil Testing Help


So I have had problems with adding too much nutes (advanced nutrients pH perfect three-part).
I found that my runoff EC was 3.0 after being 1.9 in my solution. So I wanted to flush my soil with straight water. The next day after flushing I did a soil slurry test to find out the pH and EC of my soil.
I was reading online that you should do three test spread over three different days.
What I failed to do on my first two tests is use distilled water at 7.0 pH. So the first two tests were using ice mountain bottled water and it wasn't pH to 7.0.
I am using a blue labs combo meter to record the information.

1st test- ice mountain bottled water. Stirred. I did not wait a half an hour to let the soil and water mix on this test.
pH-6.9 EC-.4 PPM500-220 PPM700-310

2nd test (1 day later)- ice mountain bottled water. Stirred. I did let the soil and water sit for a half an hour before testing.
pH-6.4 EC-.6 PPM500-290 PPM700-410

3rs test (1 day later)-I used distilled water and pH it to 7.0. Stirred. I let the soil and water sit for a half an hour before testing.
pH-6.7 EC-.7 PPM500-380 PPM700-540.

With looking at these numbers, especially the last test with the distilled water at 7.0 pH do you see the pH, EC, or PPM being too high?