Soil stays wet for days?

Alan Yoneda

I bought 3 baby clones from a dispensary. I have them in a Solo Cup. I gave them a cup and a half of water each. 4 days later. The soil is still wet. Is that whats suppossed to happen? I dont need to water them for 5 days? Am i doing something wrong.

Alan Yoneda

I bought 3 baby clones from a dispensary. I have them in a Solo Cup. I gave them a cup and a half of water each. 4 days later. The soil is still wet. Is that whats suppossed to happen? I dont need to water them for 5 days? Am i doing something wrong.


Well-Known Member
Did you cut large holes in he bottom of the cup, all the way to the bottom? Move them away from the light and if they start looking wilty it is time to poke hole in the soil. If your planter gets too warm you will void the oxygen and the plant can literally fail. If they don't look wilty don't poke holes it isn't something we want to do.