Soil - Simple and Easy Nutrients

stick with fox farm everything and follow the directions on the bottle. so far my first grow is going great using the KISS method. ( Keep It Simple Stoner ). every strain is diffrent. But I do know if it's a true kush strain than it does not like to have its feet wet for any long amount of time. mabey this is just true for full kush strain and not 50/ 50 mix. like Og kush. this has been very true of my pre - 98 bubba kush clone.


Well-Known Member
stick with fox farm everything and follow the directions on the bottle. so far my first grow is going great using the KISS method. ( Keep It Simple Stoner ). every strain is diffrent. But I do know if it's a true kush strain than it does not like to have its feet wet for any long amount of time. mabey this is just true for full kush strain and not 50/ 50 mix. like Og kush. this has been very true of my pre - 98 bubba kush clone.
How does that bubba grow? Pretty easy goings?
well it wants to grow. but i think i added to much lime in the beg. of the grow and now i just did a water run off check and its sticking at 7.4 ph. waaaaaay to high. i think im supposed to now ph out some 5.5 or mabey even 5.3 ph water and just run that through for a week or two and see where it lies then. i'll test every four days or three. what are your thoughts? btw what r u growing right now? i just started growing a #2 sour D and a northern lights strain last night, got bored.haha

brewing up

Well-Known Member
nutes are over rated with soil a cheap tomato nute at half strength will work fine and with added PK bloom boost even better ;-)


Well-Known Member
Just make sure you get a HUGE bottle of bloom booster once you begin flowering, usually the more expensive the better it is!!!!!!!!! Good day to you as well ;)


Well-Known Member
You can grow very nice plants from non internet sources.

For soil...Pro Mix BX, vermiculite and perlite and dolomite lime....get the yellow pages and let your fingers do the walkin' should be able to find these in your area.

Dolomite lime should be mixed into your soil at about 1 cup per 5 to 8 gallons.

Miracle gro for tomatoes works very well for veg period...HD and even supermarkets carry this.These stores also carry bloom booster which will will work, what is essential is that you use only about 1/2 TEAspoon or less per gallon of good quality water for these off the shelf plant foods. Feed at least every other watering...depending on your water and your light source you can adjust upwards the nutrients as the plants require. Less is more.