Soil questions.

What I do is mix everything together. I take a large painters sheet or a small plastic pool works great and add all the soil and amendments together. I use the fox farm ocean forest, fox farm planting mix, and fox farm light warrior (1 bag of each) then add the 8-10 Oz of organic perlite and the cup of piece of mind to the pile. I stir it together for about 15 minutes with a hoe to make sure it's mixed properly. And it's ready to use! No cooking, no waiting, no burning, no more checking pH or flushing! You can throw the chemistry set away bud. you've created an amazing organic super soil that can be used all the way through veg and flower with only adding water. In my opinion this produces the best smelling and tasting bud using organic soil. And the best part you aren't getting any unhealthy chemicals. Will post pics later if ya want
What I do is mix everything together. I take a large painters sheet or a small plastic pool works great and add all the soil and amendments together. I use the fox farm ocean forest, fox farm planting mix, and fox farm light warrior (1 bag of each) then add the 8-10 Oz of organic perlite and the cup of piece of mind to the pile. I stir it together for about 15 minutes with a hoe to make sure it's mixed properly. And it's ready to use! No cooking, no waiting, no burning, no more checking pH or flushing! You can throw the chemistry set away bud. you've created an amazing organic super soil that can be used all the way through veg and flower with only adding water. In my opinion this produces the best smelling and tasting bud using organic soil. And the best part you aren't getting any unhealthy chemicals. Will post pics later if ya want

I'm on board!

Piece of mind has been replaced by the happy Frog Line. Do you recommend the all purpose 5-5-5?

Pics would be awesome!
I think that the PPM and hardness in my area just messes up everything. I think the water gets crowded and not allowing the cal/mag to do it's thing. Recently in an attempt to save my grow I switched to bottled RO water. It's a pain to lug it around, but the plants are looking better and yellowing less.

Next grow I want to get things right. I will only use RO water and supplement with Cal/Mag. Now I need to decide on grow medium and nutes.

What is the ppm of your tap water? You're right, if it's high it reduces the ppm's available for nutrients. But, going to pure RO water with calmag may not be the best solution. Calmag acidifies the water which may lead you to use ph-up which adds K, more ppms. It turns into a vicious cycle.

I would suggest mixing RO and tap to get 150-200 ppm water. You won't have to use calmag to replace minerals in 10ppm RO water. You won't have acidic water from the calmag. You won't use phup (assuming your nutes in combination with higher-ph water results in a decent 6.2-6.8 range.

You're asking all the right questions. I'm sure you'll find what works best for you. At one point you mentioned a desire to keep it simple. I use Pro-Mix HP, Kellogg Patio Plus and perlite. I mix them 50-60%, 20-25%, 20-25% and add 2 Tbsp fine-textured dolomite per gallon of medium. It's not very expensive. It's a good, well-draining soil. (I aerate the soil by pushing a 1/4" rod into the soil occasionally.). Nice texture. Not heavy, not woody, not fluffy like 100% peat.

It's nothing special. Some light nutrients from the Kellogg product. You can mix it in an apartment inside a plastic bag. 2-1-1 scoops of each product, and shake the bag for 30 seconds. Holds the dust inside. You could use a Home Depot bucket with a spin-on lid. Shake it or roll it back and forth on the floor.
I use happy frog 5-8-4 and seems to work great!

Here are some pics of the mix! I usually use perlite but could not find organic anywhere so I had to settle for vermiculite that batch sorry!

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This mix gets me about 25-30 gallons of soil I'd say. I store mine in a plastic storage bin, something with a lid. Enjoy!
That's prety awesome.. Since I'm just doing one or two plants and need just 10 gallons I wonder what you think of using just ocean forest plus chunky perlite and the ferts... Or I could always add in some Roots Organic since I already have a big bag of it. The only issue I see with that is that it is coco based and that throws in more variables for me.
I use moonshine mix organic soil recipe. It's a super soil that only needs water. No pH testing, no flushing, no added chemicals. Here's what I got on it


* I added some info here so some of you begginers can see its real easy to work wont be discouraged. please read the thread and filter moonshineman if you want....overgrow the world!
Here is a quote from MSMan.....
"Lookin good....the mix is super can use it from seed to flower it just doesnt need the dry ferts (peace of mind) early on.....Watering is the Key to this mix...overwater and youll see all sorts of weird "nute def" poppin up....let it dry completely and the probs disappear......the Current mix goes a lil sumthin like this...
(bag of each)
Ocean Forest
Planting Mix (guano/castings)
Light Warrior
Black Gold
Coco Brick(small brick)
1 cup peace of mind (for flower)
2- 5 gal buckets worth of perilite....
And the LARGE Chunky Perilite...RULES....small perilite packs down over time ...the large perilite creates huge air pockets for the roots to grow through....over the last 3 yrs anytime I have gone back to the small diameter perilite my plants SUFFER and yeilds diminish.....You have to try the stuff to understand and even then you may not comprehend (like me) the benefits the large core peri makes.....great stuff....

I use a little simpler mix of this. It's the 3 bags off Fox farm soil, 8-10 ounces organic perlite, and 1 cup of piece of mind.

Hope this can help you!
Organics is the way to go

I'm mixing soil right now...
2.5 gallons Fox Farms Ocean Forest,
1/2 gallon roots organic just because,
1 gallon perlite added some extra perlite.
I added 1/3 cup of Happy Frog Bloom Nutes. Does that sound about right?
3 Tbs Dolomite Lime (Ground)

Since I am growing an auto right now and need to start her in the 3 gallon pot I will flush some soil and place that in the center of the pot. Then she will grow down into the bloom nutes area.

Will I need to add more Happy Frog Bloom onto the surface and scratch it in during flower?

PS i also bough some FF BIG Bloom. It was recommended by someone so I thought I might as well.
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I'd give it another Tbsp of dolomite. You're a little shy of 1tbsp gal. I'd err on the +1 side. People are usually in the 1 to 2 Tbsp range. I don't think you can have "too much" at this range.

Not to call FF products into question, but, it seems like I associate FF with reports of acidic soil. Another reason I'd err on the side of a tad more than 1 tbsp rather than a tad less.