Soil Question


:leaf: :leaf::leaf:i was wondering if there is a soil at lowes or walmart that i can buy that is pre mixed with enough compounds? if u have used these types of soil did u see good growth?if ya could help that would be great!!:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
i grow in 3 gallon buckets full of perlite. get a plastic mop bucket (walmart has 2 gallon square ones for $2) put a 7/16 hole in it 2 inches from the bottom , fill the bucket with perlite (walmart bag fills a 3 gallon bucket perfect $7) put your seedling or clone right into it and water can just bury the rockwool starter or peat puck in the perlite.this is mimicing your roots hitting ground water,its like a soil hydro mix kind so easy to grow this way i will never do soil ever again..i ph my water to 5.8 but 5.6-6 is good i use low nutes for veg like 200ppm every other water or 2.for flowering first add a cup or 2 of water every day (keeps the top wetter until the roots grow to the bottom) then you can top it off until you get water at the hole 2 inches from the bottom,you can water every day or once a week its that easy.if you add too much nutes and start seeing nute burn just add a gallon of nuteless water and its fixed..anything else just pm me here are some pics of my veg room if you need to see my bud room just ask this is very easy and cheap you can easily set this up on an auto feeder if you wanted.



Well-Known Member
sorry,, that is called a hempy bucket .you can put it into any bucket but if you want to set up an auto feed they make a bucket with drain pipes in it called a bato can fill these with perlite or turface gamesaver its cheaper but harder to find.


Well-Known Member
Never seen a budded plant growing in perlite,how do you keep them from tippin over,from the weight of the buds?


Well-Known Member
actually its way stronger in the perlite then my soil plants are i was worried about that at first too but the bucket of perlite is very solid i was amazed


scratch the walmart idea cause im ordering some fox farm forest mist offline and its organic so i will be going with this cause its $7.95 for 3 gallons of soil!!!!:)also has bone meal and worm castings already in it so it will be benifical to my plant:)
Turface is also called Speedi dri or "OIL DRI" Available at Wal-mart in 50# bags (automotive section) for around $4.15 or close.

Turface is usually a reddish fired-clay product, while Oil and speedi dri are greyish. Great medium. All of these have been Used in Bonsai culture for years to promote root growth delivering oxygen to roots, preventing "dead spots" in the soil, preventing compaction of the soil, and making drainage smooth and even moisture. The increased "breathing" that takes place in the soil does lead to more frequent watering needed, but "overwatering" is really not possible since the soil holds a finite amount of water, it cant hold more. Problems arise only when roots are sitting in "standing" water for longish periods of time.
