

Active Member
Ive used this soil many times before as a starter soil for my girls(Shultz). It doesnt stay wet for to long or dry out to fast; I've added about 1.5tsp of lime to the soil and for some reason there is a green layer on the surface. Whats up with it? Nothing I need to worry about I hope.



Well-Known Member
looks like moss to me if it is then I wouldn't be to concerned. JMHO. Are you recycling this soil ? or you mean you've used this brand before and it is new ?


Active Member
I havent recycled the soil, but i did reuse the potter she is in after i gave it a pretty good wash down. The soil gets bone dry before i water again, usually at least 48 hours between. Definitely weirded me out cause its a very vibrant green.. almost nuclear/glowing green but if its nothing to worry about then im good with that :)
thank you for the help!