Soil PH and water quality

Water specs:
Southern Oregon city water
All water ran through a Tall Boy filter

Tap water 7.6 ph and 70 ppm
Bubbled in the res it comes up to 8.0 ph and 70 ppm

I grow in supersoil and I think I'm experiencing a lockout due to high soil ph.
I adjust all water to 6.5 ph before watering using earth juice ph down.
I just tested my flowering plants and veg Plants soil run off and it was 7.4 ph. Veg and flower are different batches of supersoil and they have the same runoff ph. How does the soil reach 7.4 ph when I always water 6.5 ph?

Am I experiencing hard water?
Should I use RO water?


Well-Known Member
why do you think that you have nute lock out. what do the plants look like? pictures would really help. 70ppm is pretty low, so I'd say you're not experiencing hard water issues.


Well-Known Member
What I'd do is brew up a nice compost tea (worm castings, a little molasses, and maybe a LITTLE splash of fish hydrolysate) and let the benneficials go to work balancing out your pH. They'll set it where they want it, and your plants will approve.


Well-Known Member
test the soil directly. make a mini milkshake using your soil and distilled water. measure that. your ph. run-off = water ph after bein partially buffered by the soil. useless info.
I can't get pictures up off my phone. I'm showing potassium and some micro nute deficiencies. Did the " slurry" test. Soil ph is 7.5. Plants are acting like they are locking up and slowly getting worse. It's weird cause I use straight water. So there shouldn't be a salt build up....but maybe


Well-Known Member
Try to get some fungi going in your soil. Bacteria generally raise soil pH while fungi lower it. Perhaps a fungi-rich AACT is in order?


Well-Known Member
In a 5-gal bucket, I add the following:
-Handful of worm castings (1/2 cup?)
-Handful of Ancient Forrest hummus
-About 4 TBSP fish hydrolysate
-About 1 TBSP dry kelp meal
-About 1 TBSP dry alfalfa meal
-About 1 TBSP blackstrap molasses
-About 2 TBSP of liquid humic acids

The key ingredients for my fungi tea are the worm castings and fish hydrolysate. The rest are bonus. Also, it's important to use only a SMALL amount of molasses, or even none at all. Molasses is mostly a food for bacteria, which will out compete fungi if given half a chance. I bubble for about 24 hours, and the pH stays low (about 5). I don't add anything to adjust pH while organic gardening.
i read somewhere that the ph of the soil determines the best ph of water. with that being said i cant belive that a soil ph of say 7.4 would be ok as long as you run the ph of the water at 5.1 or 5.2. very confusing...