Soil? Peat moss? perlite ?----Asia problem?


Active Member
Hello everyone...
I got some WW, this's my first to seedling,i have read many article about SOIL , but the problem is I'm in the Asia, and i cant get any shit here.
No matter 〝fox farm〞、〝miracle〞、〝promix〞,i get nothing.
I just find some stuff like Peat moss 、perlite、vermiculite and potting soil,
can i just use these to seedling ? and how to mix them ?
thank for your help....I hate my country.


Well-Known Member
You need soil, potting soil should be good. That may need drainage, for that we use perlite or vermiculate, but sand will work, too. Peat moss helps the soil hold water (something we don't really want for Mary) and acidifies the soil, not so necessary.

Look to see if the soil says what they've used to make it. Mix it as high as 50/50 soil-to-perlite/vermiculite, though I think that's a high amount of perlite, I'd make it more like 70/30 soil-perlite.

Then, look for guanos and manures. Look for a thread called The Three Amazing Shits, it'll outline what's good for what, poop-wise, and I know there's gotta be plenty of poop in Asia.

:D Best of luck!


Active Member
originally i thought the peat moss was good stuff......because everyone like to use it to plant flower here........


Well-Known Member
Yes, you can, but the plant's nutrition requirements will change as it goes into flowering.
Listen to Sea... Any good premium potting soil..not the $1.99 stuff... the $6.99 stuff and vermiculite and a pinch of peat moss, perlite is the best IMO if available.... you'll see how it drains if you test it with a small pot to see if good.... Luck..

*Hi Sea.... :p


Active Member
dumb question but what is meant by "draining". I'm looking to grow with soil and would like to make sure i know what this means and the importance of it, thanks


Well-Known Member
Drainage with regard to soil is how well it sheds water, or allows water to pass through it. You must have well-drained soil because Mary's roots cannot work properly in absence of atmospheric oxygen. (There are other issues as well, and this is specific to soil growing, otherwise hydroponics wouldn't work.)


Active Member
Drainage with regard to soil is how well it sheds water, or allows water to pass through it. You must have well-drained soil because Mary's roots cannot work properly in absence of atmospheric oxygen. (There are other issues as well, and this is specific to soil growing, otherwise hydroponics wouldn't work.)
Asome, thanks alot for the help